
Why do people have no tolerance for anything silly and lighthearted?

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Everyone is so serious! I sometimes smile, walk around happy and just upbeat, and I walked past this man in bloomingdales working behind the counter, a very very stern and serious looking black older man, who stared me down like Morgan Freeman would look at someone who irritated the h**l out of him.

You know, that death to you look.

I just laughed, said hi to him and then said into my phone "some people are just f8cking WEIRD."

Literally. All these people in society look so f8cking depressed, and miserable, and try to be all serious and important, and when someone comes along who doesn't care about any of that, or doesn't fit in, they try to like, treat you like complete ****.

WHy the h**l would ANYONE take "Bloomindgales" so friggin seriously?

lol. I mean out of all places to be stern at.

Get over it!

That's my message to the world and sometimes I even dress up in drag, and silly outfits like a priest outfit, just to MOCK everything. Basicaly to just give people the message that hey its okay, s***w it.

Ever see the movie Charlie's Angels? That's pretty much my attitude, Happy upbeat, and ill dress in weird ways, (though not in girly ways,) to just play , and enjoy life a bit.

However, other people like 80% of them, don't appreciate it, think I'm wasting my time or am a total loser or whatever.

Why do people just not understand or tolerate anything that's silly or lighthearted?

I literally walk into places all happy upbeat,

and walk out cursing the ground and kicking litter/garbage on the streets out, and slamming my car door. lol.

Well not that bad but,

why the h**l do people like to just deflate you so much and don't tolerate anything?

It's ridiculous> I TRIED being serious, I TRIED being like they are,


What the h**l is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?




  1. Light-heartedness comes from having a light heart(lol). A light heart could be due to not really caring what others think about you.  Sounds like you are not so light-hearted after all. You might try exchanging some of your 4-letter vocabulary to ones that are more pleasant like "Heaven" instead of "h**l", "funnin' " instead of the other "f" word, etc.

    Also look into that person's eyes. If they shine or glitter ---Good soul.  If not, relax and make conversation that could help give them an honest gut-wrenching laugh!!!  

  2. AHHHHHHHHH you read my fu(king mind! This is the thing I feel the most strongly about! People are so unappreciative and ignorant. If they saw what children in Africa had to go through every single day, I wonder if they'd still be behind the counter acting like the Grim Reaper was going to give them a visit tonight.

    This is the problem with America and the rest of the developed world, if it's not BIG, if it's not WONDERFUL, if it's not IT, it's worthless! Spoiled bunch of fu(king brats. What a waste of a life.

    I'm sorry but wow people like that really tick me the h**l off! I'm so glad you live your life this way, rock on and keep smiling! Never take life too seriously because you never get out alive!  

  3. I get your point. However, I think you take it too far. Ridiculing and mocking others doesn't make you any better than them, now does it. It certainly doesn't sound like you're lighthearted either.

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