
Why do people have so little respect for human life

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I think its sad we like in a society where we can put a price tag on human life and exterminate babies because we think they won't contribute to society. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Here's a great article on the subject as well:




  1. Read the bestseller "Freakonomics" (not my book) .   It talks about exactly what you mentioned. /

  2. Which society? It really depends upon which society you're talking about. In the U.S (and most developed nations) we have a quite a bit of respect for actual human lives (not so much for fictional lives). All the developed nations of the world have pretty much put an end to slavery. We don't sell humans anymore, that's human trafficking (punishable by law in the U.S). We frown upon killing humans (also punishable by law). I'm pretty sure most developed nations we don't exterminate babies (O.o). And as far as abortion goes I don't think that it's murder as the babies have not been born yet.

    Good question, very insightful.

  3. yes i agree it is sad. sadly, roe vs wade essentially contributed to the downfall of the human race, taking us back to more barbaric ways in which it is ok to kill life.  all human lif begins at the moment of conception. that being said who are we to decide who lives and who doesnt? my mom became pregnant with her third of four children when i was 10 (about 5 years ago,) about 4 months into her pregnancy, the doctor told her the baby had a mild form of downs syndrome.  my mother didnt know what to do. recently i told my mom i was ready to become sexually active with my boyfriend (of one year). she was ok with it and glad i told her but she told me about the risks and becoming pregnant and being responsible for a life. this led to her telling me that when she became pregnant with andrew, she thought maybe it would be better to end the pregnancy. people even told her it would be because he wouldnt be a productive citizen and he wouldnt have a normal life. but she had her baby and is very glad she did. now we couldnt imagine life without andrew. he never gets mad and is always so patient and gentle. he knows just what to say to make us smile. no one should ever abort their baby just because he or she wont be productive citizens. just ask anyone who has had a disbled child

  4. Yea its sad.But so is some of the things that happen to animals.Just another morbid thought I can do with out.You could stand in front of an abortion clinic and get arrested,and depressed.Or you can pray for society to wake up,or get an anti abortion sticker for the car.If you dwell on the matter it will depress you.

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