
Why do people have so little sympathy or care towards adults?

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Once you're an adult, no one cares about you! Plain and simple, you're on your own ,and even if you're sick, etc, no one cares. All you are is another number, and even when you go shopping, that's all you are. You get hounded by sales reps.

So is that the adult life in America?

No one cares about you, you're treated with very little sympathy or care even if you're going through something like cancer/aids, because people just expect since you're an adult that you're somehow ok with it, etc, is that just how it is?

Quite sad, but from my experience that's how it is.

Once you're an adult, people don't treat you like a human b eing anymore, unless they're other adults or older than you.




  1. I understand exactly what you are saying and honestly I think that this is just how society in America is.

    There are other cultures where the elder are treated with the highest of respect but they are also not in the country - the land of the hungry - greed and self indulgent people .

    You have to look at everything that has caused us to evolve into this type of society. Sadly, that's life - if anything Pay it Forward - and let the person who you helped know that all you want in return is for them to pay it forward.

    Slowly but surely - change is possible.

  2. It's not just American life. It's called responsibility. That's how it is throughout all cultures, with some variation among each. In asian cultures, parents (*adults!*) put every ounce of effort into rearing their child, and when the child is older (*an adult!*), he (usually he) is expected to care for his parents in their old age. In tribal cultures, a ritual is often held to initiate children into adult status.

    Adults must be responsible. Forget humans, it's the very same in the animal world. It's life in general, so just relax for a minute and just try to look at the big picture. The concept that adults must behave not that bad. Everyone needs adults. As an adult, you are generally expected to be self-sufficient and dependable, so you can provide for people who cannot help themselves (e.g. elders and children). Young adults are expected to obtain this level of maturity, if they haven't already.

    The key phrase is "unless they're older adults or older than you". Obviously, being mature and responsible doesn't happen overnight, so it can be tough for young adults to adjust in the transition from child to grown-up. So, there are "wise elders" to guide the younger adults along the way. It has nothing to do with "treating you like a human being".

    Yeah, it's not easy. In fact, it's terrifying. I just turned 18 a few months ago, and the changes are slowly creeping up on me. Are you experiencing the same kind of stress? Whatever the situation is, relax. You can do it, and you'll feel better once you get the hang of it. You can look for counselors or other wise people to guide you. And your situation can be made less stressful by treating everyone how you want to be treated - like a human being. The world can be cold, but you must be the change you wish to see. I guarantee that, among good and reasonable people, you'll be treated better - and even respected - if you are warm and friendly (EVEN if you've just gotten into something like a car crash!).

  3. With adulthood comes responsibilities and stress. Bills, loans, kids, marriage, other stuff. All these responsibilities directly contribute stress. You can be prepared as much as you can by your parents, but the reality is when you're on your own it's a big thing. Sometimes adults will channel their frustration and their energy to other people. They can't really do it to kids or children, because they know they are too young to understand, so they channel it to other adults who are probably in their same situations. Remember, misery loves company.

  4. You are missing a word ...."SOME" adults don't care would be more may be mixing with the wrong crowd...think on  

  5. It just gets harder as you get older but if your feeling down about being an adult there is a book called "Anthem" bye Ayn Rand that  i thought of when i first read this question the book is mostly about a character named Equality who lived in a world that had no "I" or "Me" is was all about the "We" and conformity, Its an interesting book i think you could learn a lot about being an adult from it.  

  6. Dude, you are supposed to have it figured, your supposed to have a job that provides health insurance, a car ETC. your supposed to also be able to form your own adult relationships and make connections with people so that you take care of each other. I am not even talking about marriage. Just Friendships.

    You sound like a spoiled brat who will never grow up.    

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