
Why do people have so much rage on the road?

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I was making a U-turn (which ended up being a 3-point turn) and some guy in the lane I was looping into was far away. He decided to start speeding towards me and when he got to me as I just finishing the turn he just blared his horn non-stop. Then he pulled in front of me stopped and yelled at me through his window for like 10-15 seconds.

What's wrong with people??? a) why would he purposely speed up to me b) what's the point of honking for so long and then yelling at someone - guy was a total thug, I thought he was going to bring out a crowbar out of his trunk

If someone did the maneouver I did in front of my car I'd probably roll my eyes or if I was having a bad day curse under my breath - but its not like I cut him off




  1. You never know what the person was going through that day.

  2. Everyone is in a hurry to meet the Undertaker!!

  3. There are a lot of rude people in the world. It happepns to me

    everyday. People cut me off, don't signal (so lazy its like 2 inches from your hand), honk at the most silliest thing like for example at the traffic light as soon as it turns green and its not even one second they honk at you to hurry up and go. We just have to learn from that experience and be nicer to others. Maybe he was having a really bad day and he took his anger on you, but that still wrong. If it helps you anyway maybe you had a nice car and he was just jealous of your car. They do that you know.  :p

  4. Alot of people ( men and women ) are just waiting for an excuse to unlesh their anger on the next possible chance they may find . Some people just believe that they own the road and you shouldn't be on it if they are . There are alot of ragaholics out there . To keep my serenity I've just decided to wave and smile at the peckawoods . That really pisses them off . Good luck .

  5. Some people are just frustrated, and they release their frustration on other drivers.

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