
Why do people have such negative things to say to me when I ask about my pet turtles?

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Can you name one reason why I shouldn't have one for a pet? If your answer is that they will become extinct, I'll tell you that I've seen four differnt ones this year, all within a few miles of my house wich isn't in the country. Arent they better hear with me than out getting ran over and what do they do in the wild that is so special? Why would it, if it is, be morally wrong?




  1. turtles are the best!!!!!!!

  2. dont get bothered by the public

    I got about 20 adult turtles spread over 5 ponds and a bunch of baby ones ,that were made in the garden ,they are several different species ,all come from the river

    And many of them have come here on their own seeking out my ponds ,others were given to us

    like the baby crocodiles

  3. I have three turtles. They are smart and funny. Maybe not all that cuddly. But I wouldn't get rid of them. So if you like your turtles keep them.

  4. Is it really and truly any ones business. I wouldn't worry about it.

  5. I have no idea but turtles rule!


  6. Keep them.  Don't listen to everybody. But I heard that they carry diseases. So be careful to always wash your hands.

  7. If you can keep them alive then keep them!  That way they won't get run over.  Just give them a natural environment & room to explore like they would have in the wild.

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