Well, my family and many others have a bad attitude that white is the only beautiful and being dark is ugly. It's stupid and it's a terrible attitude. My family is really pissing me off with that. I had my 6 year old nephew come up to me and say, "I'm going to paint my skin white and I'll be handsome." It's terrible because it makes people feel bad and it makes them think they are ugly and that they have the need to become white. I try to correct him but he's like "No, I want to be white, I'm whiter than you." It really gets me mad, my family is Guyanese and we're very fair, or at least me, my mother, father and brother. My grandmother too. I've gotten dark this summer because I've been out a lot and active and they think that I'm ugly because I'm dark. It's not true and it's shallow. I just need your advice.