
Why do people have the most fatness meal, then have a diet soda?

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like if that makes it better...

I think it's mental!




  1. I just like the taste of it....regular is syrupy tasting to me.

  2. i like the taste of it. For some reason it taste 'lighter'.

  3. Most people don't get the diet soda to counteract the fat in the meal, they get it because they like it. Speaking from personal experience, i don't like regular Coke or regular Pepsi, too much sugar. I have been drinking my drinks with

    aspartame in them for 20+ yrs so a soda with sugar in it

    tastes like liquid candy. I don't eat alot of sugar either.

    So,  when i go to Burker King and order a Double whopper with cheese and 2 kingsize fries the last thing i'm thinking about is the fat in the meal. I'm thinking about getting what i want. So i order a diet Coke or diet Pepsi (depending on which one the place i'm at has on tap). Here in Atlanta its hard to find a place that has Pepsi products on tap because

    its the home of Coca Cola.

    I hope that answers your question.


  4. Well my husband is diabetic he has no choice, but he doesn't eat alot of fat either.

  5. For me, I don't like the taste of reguar soda.  So, yes, even if I were to order a Big Mac, I would get it with a Diet Coke.  Not because of the calories, but because of the taste.

  6. i have always wondered that

  7. You mean the diet coke does not cancel out the Big Mac and extra large fries????   lol  I prefer the taste of diet coke over regular!  I think that is why most people do it.  But some people are probably dumb enough to think they really cancel each other out!!!

  8. I hate the taste or regular soda compared to diet. I have ever since I was young. Picture a 7 year old girl ordering a diet coke to go with her "Happy Meal". They think that I come from a family that has big issues.

  9. It makes them feel less guilty about what they are eating.

  10. Many people like the delusion that they're doing something healthy, but they don't want to make a real lifestyle change. That takes too much effort.

  11. I know what you mean. I used to work at McDonald's and the people would order something like a double quarter pounder meal large with a diet. It always made me wonder. But some people are diabetic and can't have regular soda, or some people just like the taste of diet better.

  12. The slight bitterness of diet Coke or Pepsi is much more interesting than the syrupy taste of regular ones. Not only does it taste better, but it also a better thirst quencher (remember: sugar makes you more thirsty). A good, tall thirst quencher is exactly what you need with that double whopper with onion rings. Plus, it still has an acceptable taste even if its not fizzy anymore, making it a great choice for take-aways.

  13. most people in that situation prefer the taste of diet soda.

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