
Why do people have to be rude about how you type a question?

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Serious answers only plz: Why do people have to be rude about how you type a question on here? Why do they have to say things like "well first of all punctuate" or "learn how to spell first"? I find these people rude and offensive. Why should it matter about punctuation or spelling? This is not school and we are not getting graded on here? Sorry, it just ticks me off! I had someone do that on my last question.




  1. Usually the questions with lots of grammar mistakes, have authors with  no Idea what they are mumbling about.  

  2. How you present a question is a direct reflection on you. If you know the right spelling and pronunciations you should honor yourself and use them. The use of proper english has a way of making you more credible as well as perfectly understood. Whenever I read a question with a lot of errors I am reminded of how important  the "no child left behind" program really is.  

  3. Well said! These people can't answer to your questions but they still wants the 2 points hence they are doing those rude comments. Idiots are everywhere...

  4. It's because poor grammar or spelling makes the question difficult to read.  It's much like trying to communicate with someone in English but the other person uses slang you are either vaguely familiar or completely unfamiliar with.

    Regardless, it does not excuse rudeness.  Hope this helps!

  5. This question was very clear.  Perhaps your previous question was not quite clear.

    Did you have chat text in your question?  That is very difficult to read.  

    Did you have run on sentences that blended in with the next train of thought that kept readers from fully understanding your question?  That makes it difficult for readers to decipher and anticipate your true question.  

    Did you misspell many words in your question?  That makes it difficult for readers to actually know you problem, read your question correctly and answer your question to the best of their ability.

    If some of the answers were rude, it is because many of us don't take kindly to to chat text, run on sentences, poor grammar and misspelled words.  Looks like we may be getting a bit testy when it comes to answering questions that include any of the above.

    I did not see your previous question so was not privy to the responses you received.  Although you feel "graded", that is not the case.  We can't supply an adequate answer if we can't understand the question.

  6. First off, I apologize for all of us that can get a little carried away sometimes. No one should be rude.

    We do get a little carried away because there is a reason we are taught spelling and punctuation in school. Correct grammar makes sure that your question is fully understood. When a person does not take the time to ask a question or respond correctly they seem like they don't really care about the others that have to read it. Perfection isn't required but a little effort is preferred.  

  7. I have a hard time taking a question seriously, if you can't take the time to word it correctly or simply hit spell check. I usually do not get to upset about grammar, as most people don't use it correctly anymore, and probably don't know how to use it the right anyways.

  8. Because they take the anger that they have about themselves and misdirect it at you

  9. The reason is that, like pronouncing someone's name properly (if possible), chewing with your mouth closed, etc., proper spelling and punctuation is a display of common courtesy.

    Examined as a matter of etiquette , it is rude and offensive to disregard these conventions. This is not because you are being graded, rather it is because there are rules of proper communication. And, like being polite is important to some people, following these rules is important to some people.  

  10. This is just one other showing of how well you can communicate. If you think it is not, guess again.  People judge you in life on how well you communicate.  Better get it down and do it right.  Just because it is the internet doesn't change anything.  Be a sloth and you will be treated as a sloth.  Give it your best showing and you will treated in kind.  Punctuation, spelling, good grammar matters, no matter where you are using it.  So grow up and get a grip.  This is real life.  And if you didn't understand that while you were in school, Hello, welcome to the real world.  People judge by your presentation.  That is how you get the better jobs and not the blue collar offerings.  Didn't we all learn this as we grew up?  Of course most of us did.

  11. If your meaning is clear (and yours is), people who ding you for one or two spelling or punctuation errors are just being prats.

  12. While it's important to have a good grammar and spelling so others can understand what they are reading, some people exaggerates and go too far when correcting others.

  13. They took too much English classes.

  14. It's tempting. : \

    it's the truth...  but yeah, you definitely have a point.  I don't really do it.

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