
Why do people have to be so cruel?

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Like ;people who either claim they want to be your friend or are already a friend of yours treat you badly!




  1. i know exactly what you mean. just today, my friend stuck up 4 someone i was havin an argument with... but i suppose you have 2 remember that nobodys perfect, and that you have probably mistreated your friends yourself. if you are constantly being treated badly, its time 2 move on, but try 2 b understanding and accept that people:

    have bad days

    sometimes have good reasons 4 what they do

    can b subject 2 misunderstandings

    plz note that this, sent by another answerer, is not tru:

    "The hate that flows through all of our veins. You know the feeling I'm talking about. The part of you that laughs when a fat disabled person falls out their chair. The part of you that thinks Downs Syndrome people look hilarious.

    The part of you that wishes every ethnic group would go back to their own country. The part of you that wants to be violent when you see two men kissing. That's where cruelty stems from. That part of you."

    observe ur friends and urself, and compare. do this before you make any rash decisions or judgements. another thing that seems 2 help me is telling it all 2 my mum or another, close, non-biased friend i can trust.

    hope i helped :c)

  2. With "friend" you can simply never call them again & never see them.  It's worse when it's your own family!!

  3. Some people are just mean, take pride in yourself that you are better than them.

  4. They have problems. They do cruel things to make them feel better or drag you down to their sad little level.  Unfortunately, there are many people out there that are just socially inept. Sorry. It sucks.

  5. People are complex and cruel will not only define their character theres alot more words to use aswell

  6. People are people and have bad days and sometimes people are just miserable and cruel and just nasty people.  Sometimes they can put on a "mask" and fool us and make us think they are our friends when they are in fact "using" us and trying to get us to join in on their "pity party".  When we don't play their "pity" game or give into their negative attention they treat us rudely and "lash" out as us.  The only way to deal with this type of person is to ignore them. Then their only choice is to either change their ways or to find someone else to "lash" out on or to be "negative" to.

    Peace & Love :)

  7. im not like that i`ll be your friend and treat you like one

    <3 ya

  8. What humans do but it's stupid.

    We should all learn to get along and love eachother.

    Why do we have to kill our own kind?

  9. Because yhey are jealous an not happy an they want company like you to make uncomfotable. THAT IS WHY I BECAME A LONER> People have seem to gone CRAZY!!Take me back to the good days when neighbors cared an chatted!!!

  10. primary school, my "best friend" was one of the ones who treated me worst. when i moved to secondary school, i took advantage of the change and moved on from her. friends who hurt you are not friends - find someone else.

  11. they aren't really your friend they are **** lickers who no one else likes

  12. because people are b*****s and b******s

  13. I guess if your compassionate you tend to forgive "friends" for this behaviour as you obviously have good times with that person, but i think when someone learns that they can get away with a certain behaviour they will continue to do it.

  14. Insecurity on their part.  Using you to make themselves feel better about their actions.

  15. it's simple, they are really not your friends, forget them and move on with your life.

  16. Misery loves company.  Most people are rude and cruel to others to direct attention on to someone other than themselves.  Karma is a bi*#h.  They will get theirs in the end.  I will suggest surrounding yourself with only positive people.  When you are surrounded by negative, rude, crude people negative, rude and crude things come to you.

  17. Human nature.

  18. Great respect to you.

    I fear it is human nature that makes us do this. We all are too weak to stay loyal due to life's ups and downs. Animals show more loyalty than humans, I have known a dog to never leave my side all of it's life and showed me true friendship every day of it's life for very little in return, maybe a bowl of food a day. Animals demand nothing, but humans want everything at times.

    Much love and peace my friend.

  19. no one actually knows

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