
Why do people have two eyes and not one?

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I know it's kinda a stupid question, i was thinking and couldn't really come up with an answer. Why do we have two eyes? Is it a scientific reason?




  1. The correct answer is that we evolved from creatures that had two eyes.  Two eyes are valuable to many animals, but they did not originate with humans.  Two eyes and the other attributes of bilateral symmetry started at least 550 million years ago.

  2. Mammals have what is termed bilateral symmetry; if you bisected us you have mirror halves.  Some creatures such as jellyfish are radially symmetrical while sponges are asymmetric.  Bilaterally symmetric organisms have more developed brains and their sense organs are clustered in their head region as well.  This allows these organisms to be more active in searching out prey etc.

  3. this is easy. we got two ears, two hands, two arms, two nostrils, two nipples, two balls, two legs, two feet, two asss cheeks. does that answer your question?

  4. Why is a difficult question to answer.  Two forward looking eyes give us depth perception, which is a good trait for carnivores and animals which reside in the trees.  But note that many organs also exist in pairs; there is a good deal of bilateral symmetry in the human body plan.  

    It is useful to have two eyes, but is that why we have them?  The body is the result of evolution and selection, and thus may not have definitive purposes.

  5. What i think is since one of your eye is already formed to your right of your head you will see stuff to the right more. Try closing your left eye then open your left eye and close your right. It's probably just human nature like two ears two hands two feet and two nostrils.  

  6. all the better to see you with my dear! lol

  7. While only one eye is needed to see, having 2 allows an individual to have depth perception.

  8. Firstly, there's the redundancy. If you lose an eye, you may not be too happy, but hey you have a spare.

    Secondly there's the depth perception that two eyes afford us. Looking at something close by means that our eyes actually go a bit crosseyed, and we can tell how far away something is by how crosseyed we have to be to look at it. The further away an object is, the smaller the angle of convergence of our eyes.

    There are other methods of depth perception too, such as how much our lens has to distort for us to focus on an object, but the measure of parallax of our eyes is the main one.

    In fact, there's a simple test, cover one of your eyes and have someone hold out a finger in front of you, then try to grab it. You'll find that you are much less accurate without both eyes.

  9. Well, if you want it on a religious standpoint, because God said so! If you want it on a scientific standpoint, its because we can see better and at a 180 degree perimeter compared with one eye, which has a 90 degree perimeter.  

  10. think about it. With one eye, we can only see things in two dimensions. Though we can use shadows to reconstruct them to make three. The second eye at a different field of vision allows use to see three dimensions without having to use shadows to look at them and think they have 3 dimensions.

  11. Simply put: depth perception.

    Try this simple experiment:

    Place a flat object on a table in front of you.  Now, with both eyes open, take one of your fingers and try to place it directly on the object from above.  Do this about 20 times and count how many times you were successful.

    Now do the same thing with one eye closed.  Count how many times you were successful in actually locating the object with your finger.  Your odds are worse with one eye than with two.

  12. (1) Stereoscopic vision - helps us judge distance

    (2) Wider field of view

    (3) If you break one, you have a spare.

  13. it just looks better that way.

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