
Why do people homeschool there children?

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Why do so many people homeschool their children? I have many friends whose parents do it, but they don't know why. I was just wondering what the reasons behind homeschooling are.




  1. To keep them from becoming psychotic murderers.

  2. I have not begun to homeschool my son yet but we are working on gathering our supplies for this coming year.  I will be homeschooling him for the simple fact that I feel that he will be a better student for it.  He is Adhd and is having a hard time in school for the simple fact that he needs more movement in his day and less sit still work.  I hope we can accomplish what he needs and make him happier for it.

  3. In a very short nutshell:

    1) I had children because I wanted them and want to raise them, not have an institution do it.

    2) I enjoy being with my children.

    3) I want them to grow up in a better social environment than the schools where we live.

    4) I want them to have an education better tailored to them.

    5) I enjoy the lifestyle.

    6) They enjoy homeschooling.

    One might ask: why do people send their kids to public school?

  4. I am going to homeschool because my son is gifted and needs to be challenged...he isn't getting that in the b&m school.  I also like haveing the control over what he learns.  It was like pulling teeth to find out what he was going to be learning last year.

  5. For us, it was because our son learns more at home than he did in school.   We can create his curriculum to meet his needs, goals and learning style.  It is a more efficient way to learn.

  6. Lots of us just answered this question earlier today or yesterday - it gets asked at least once a week.

    Here is the most recent Q with A's:;...

    For us, it's because our son is profoundly gifted and no B&M school will work for him.  For *us* it has nothing to do with religion, safe schools, or trying to shelter him, as so many people who don't have a clue about HS'ing will tell you.

  7. "The overriding reason, however, is that homeschooling offers freedom along with responsibility -- freedom to make their own decisions regarding how they wish their children to live and learn. Whatever initially leads parents to make this choice, homeschooling nearly always evolves into something far more than an alternative educational choice -- it becomes a lifestyle choice of personal responsibility and freedom and incredible joy within a close family life."

  8. God gave parents the responsibility to see that their children are educated and brought up to honor Him. Today's public schools do NOT honor God, so they don't fulfill that. Also, homeschoolers continuously test higher than public schoolers, showing that we have a better education system. In my homeschool I do advanced subjects, take amazing field trips and have a normal social life. I would never trade it for public school. One more thing, although we homeschoolers generally have higher grades than public schoolers, we aren't perpetually buried under a mountain of homework. It's much more efficient for us.

  9. to protect and monitor what they are learning i am doing it now just to catch up to my correct grade but i miss regular school

  10. We homeschool for a number of reasons.

    The public schools in our area spend the entire year "teaching to the test" instead of inspiring children to learn about things.

    The public schools in our area are run like "baby boot camp" and "elementary prison" instead of schools.

    There are middle schoolers having oral $&# in the stairwells.

    Guns and drugs and bullying and diseases are somehow an 'accepted reality' in public schools today.

    These are NOT the public schools that I went to. I don't want my kids exposed to THAT kind of reality until they are emotionally mature enough, and have the moral fortitude to deal with, all of that.

    Honestly, though, the people who have it the worst are the teachers. They are overworked, underpaid and snowed under by red tape and bureaucracy, test scores and book-keeping. The district administration wastes money, and the teachers' unions prevent truly awful teachers from being fired, which means that school districts are hemorrhaging money that could otherwise be going to support teachers with better classroom budgets.

    I know some truly BRILLIANT teachers who are hanging on by their toenails in a system that has failed an entire generation of children. In another ten years, we will have beaten down those teachers so much that they have all fled to private schools.

    It is a sad state.

    But since I can't really do anything to FIX the situation, I keep my kids at home and give them an education that will serve them for a lifetime.

    : ) P

    ds 9

    ds 7

  11. There are lots of reasons. A lot of people homeschool for religious reasons, or because they feel schools aren't safe. Some feel that homeschooled kids get a better education(more one on one time), or that their kids have special needs that public schools can't meet.

  12. Some people want their children to learn only certain thing and do not want them to be around people like us who swear and drink and do things that we should not do.

  13. My sister is a teacher but if she could she would have home schooled her kids.  Her son is ADHD and most teachers just wanted to drug him.  Her daughter would come home and talk about the drug use that was rampant in the girls bathroom. Her son is why she actually went to school and became a teacher (figured she could do a better job) and does.  The problem isn't only teachers or even students.  Parents don't get involved in their child's education and/or behavior at school.  Many parents that care want a good environment as well as education for their children.  For them there are too many problems at school not being addressed so they would rather teach them at home.  I would like to see a student being taught at home his paper was eaten by the dog or that no homework was given.  LOL.  For some it is religious preference.  They don't agree with what is being taught and no other choice is given.  I know many that have been home schooled and they did get a better education because of less distractions.

  14. I homeschool my children because the schools where we live send most or all of the work home for the parents to spend countless hours helping with homework because the work isn't getting done in the classroom due to the teachers always on their cell phones, or worrying about what "johnny" is doing out of his seatand he needs a pill to behave, so if they aren't going to do their jobs as teachers , I'm not going to let my children suffer I'll do it myself. My children already score 2-3 years above their peers, so something has to be said for homeschooling

  15. because they feel it is safer than sending them to public school kids wont learn about s*x drug gangs as easy they are protecting them they think but you cant hide from real life forever

  16. to chose the kind of socializing you do (not the kind that most public school give, bulling)

    to get ahead in life.

    freedom to do the kind of work you want to do

  17. This question has been asked over and over again, surely you could have read the previous answers?

    Since this IS asked so much, I have a pre-prepared answer to paste in:

    America's public school system is horrible. On international tests of Math and Science we score near the bottom. Rather than concentrate on fixing that problem, the schools are more interested in being politically correct, not that all political correctness is wrong, but its not the job of the school system to teach kids what to think, its the job of the school system to teach them how to think.

    So while schools are busy having multicultural days, days of silence, animal rights awareness days, and gender equality days, the kids are not learning how to read, write, and do math. While the schools are handing out condoms and setting up appointments for abortions, the kids are not learning about History. While the schools teach about every sort of diversity in earnest, they aren't noticing the kid who is beat up every day because his clothes are not the same as what everyone else is wearing.

    So while all of that is going on in the Public School, (not to mention guns and drugs being smuggled in) my own kids are learning. Sometimes we stay home and work out of books, sometimes we go out and visit the library, a museum, a park or a beach.

    My Kindergartner and my second grader are learning about the Middle Ages, and can probably tell you more about the Ottoman Empire than most of the kids in our public High School, they also learned about earth science this year, and can tell you the layers of the earth, the parts of volcano, the layers of the atmosphere, the various cloud types, and many other facts. We are now moving into astronomy and my kids will soon be learning about the 8 planets and the 3 known dwarf planets, (Pluto, Eris, and Ceres). They will also learn to find various constellations, and we will relate those studies to what we learned last year about the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Every year they have the same teacher, so they get continued review of what they have already learned.

    My 9th grader also is doing very well, but is not looking forward to biology next year because she knows we will do at least 4 dissections and she doesn't really want to. She will also be reading many titles of classic literature next year, and will take an intensive writing course, along with World History, World Geography, Geometry, French, and Art. Her standardized test scores come back with post High School scores in all but 2 areas, and those 2 are on track, just not ahead.

    So, why would I send my kids to public school when they are doing so well at home?

    Why should public school be the default decision?

    Shouldn't parents weigh all their options and choose the best education for their children? For some kids it might be public school that suits them best, for others private school is better, and for others homeschool is best. Why should everyone make the same choice?

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