
Why do people honestly think Obama will be a good choice for president?

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Why do people honestly think Obama will be a good choice for president?




  1. Forgive the sheep for they no not what they do.

  2. cuz McCain is his opponent......honestly both are c**p but if i have to go for one it will be Obama

  3. plz..... the c**p we have been going through for8  years should be enough if you don't have the common sense to hear obama's  plan

  4. I have no idea. Your country is insane! In other countries we don't just have random people run for president/prime minister without some experience - and we don't put it all on the television as an entertainment show. Seriously. No clue.  

  5. Hope and Change... changing hope... Change... hope... and more hope and more change.. hopeful changing change change hope.... and more hope and change...

  6. Basically, he is using the same old tactic as the dems always use. Talks about the issues that the one side always wants. He uses class warfare to try to divide people. The youth get excited and really believe that change will come.

    However it is just like the other politicians, talk but do not do anything.

    He could have a great career and do a lot of good for the country, but he needs to learn how to get things done and not just talk about getting them done.

    I do not think he would do as a president as he still wants to divide everyone.  

  7. Beats the c**p out of me. He's totally unqualified and the only thing attracting people is his skin tone. What a waste.

    McCain/Palin '08

  8. I want a president that stands for diplomacy on the world stage and social reform when it comes to the bottom 90% of our population. I also am against any form of mixing of politics and theology. Religion is a dangerous practice when it is supported by those who control our everyday lives.  

  9. It won't be McSame

  10. Because many American voters do not understand the basic principles of Economics, nor the basic principles of foreign relations, nor the concept of voting for qualified leaders.

  11. I don't think many really do, but the, "gimme, gimme, gimme," people sure like what he has been saying.

  12. Because Mama Nancy and Daddy Harry told them so.  Not to mention uncle NBC and Aunti ABC

  13. I think true Christians who believe in loving thy neighbor as thyself see him living as a true christian. He is super intelligent. People will say he stutters but he speaks so people can understand & he has to slow his thoughts down which is why people stutter. He has been honest & open about his life. He wrote about his thoughts to show how he transformed his thoughts as he grew in life. He is a great role model, a husband any women would want & a daddy any kid would love to have. He grew up in less than ideal circumstances & yet has remained solid as a rock. He chose to be of service to the country by not fighting but in a peaceful way & in no disrespect to anyone in the military he should not be judged as if his work was worthless. He has been in the senate for 12 years. Please very easily you can look him up on & scroll down to legislature & press where it says link. The work he has done is remarkable. He has been criticized for things that anyone who thinks can understand these just aren't true but you can go to for pictures. I remmeber when he was accused of not putting his hand over her heart for the pledge. I actually watched taht live & knew it was not a pledge but the star spangled banner & we really are supposed to keep our heart open during music. He is well educated. He has been through a life of feeling like both sides were against him & yet he made it through (I mean being black & white). He is charming, decent. He made an excellent decision picking Biden. Dr. James Dobson got his church to pray that his convention speech would be ruined because of weather. & instead it backfired on him. He has a plan to bring back jobs, Give people health care so we can get people back to work & paying taxes again. This costs us less in welfare & functioning people stimulate the economy. His intentions are to cut the cost of the 12 billion we are spending in Iraq. He cares about the military. He worked as an attorney. He taught constitutional law. He has a doctorate. He wants good. Peace,love,joy,harmony. This are what is healthy. McCain only speaks for fear & war.

  14. Change. Whatever the h**l THAT means.

  15. They don't.  You've been misled by the media once again.

  16. Because there are times in history when it's better to take a chance on a brighter future than to submit to 4 more years of crushing darkness.

  17. Yes I honestly do.

  18. Baa baa baa   I'm not sure they even know why they vote for him, other than he's a democrat, and they're democrats, and their family has alway been democrats.  It's a religious sort-of thing, I think.

    Spiritual Coach Lynn - Your "explanation" was interesting and drew me into it's sincerity until you got to the bottom portion.  Then, maybe as is human, you just couldn't help yourself in your enthusiasm, but the sincerity started to unravel a bit.  I watched the video of the guy that originated that "pray for rain" piece.  It was NOT Dr. Dobson, nor did Dr. Dobson know about it or condone it.  It was a harmless prank and never was meant as a "prayer."  It was a "what if we prayed" type of tongue-in-cheek prank.  The dems immediately took ahold of that as offensive and blew it all out of proportion to play the "poor me" card.  For you to say that "Dr. James Dobson got his church to pray that his convention speech would be ruined because of weather" is propogating the false accusation (I won't say a lie, but rather a fabrication).  The FACT is the dems then took it the other way with Gustav and had their fun with that.  So what?  To take offense of either attempt at humor takes way more energy than just laughing it off.  To take offense is an effort that shows a bias by the offended.

    I'm also unclear how  "Give people health care so we can get people back to work & paying taxes again" is going to work that way. I have first-hand knowledge of people that do not have insurance.  We own a small business of which we have one employee.  We pay that employee well enough to easily support his wife and one child.  His wife is an able-bodied woman and their child is in elementary school.  She does not "want" to work so she is a stay-at-home mom.  We do not offer health insurance because of the high cost and added paperwork involved.  Instead, we offer above-the-norm competitive wages.  This employee and his family do not have health insurance because he says "we cannot afford it."  However, last year they purchased two brand new high-dollar motorcycles, complete with insurance for them.  They also have a new home with all the typical playthings a successful family would have. Now Obama wants to hand this family  health insurance that would ultimately be paid for by us, the taxpayers?  Does this sound fair?

    And lastly, I don't believe you have truly listened to McCain speak much.  He does not want fear and war.  I will call that one a lie.

  19. all you will here is they no nothing about the man CHANGE is what they will say ok now i say GO MCCAIN08

  20. Because he seems more interested in helping AMERICANS rather than helping war corporations and big business.

  21. Big, big tax cut is coming for us who make  not too much.

    Tax the rich out of existance. And those greedy corporations we are finally going to get a President who will rid of those things. The jobs lost will go work for Obama in Washington,  a shrude plan for sure.

  22. all i hear is people saying he's pro choice. that seems to be the only issue they know, and it's not even a legitimate one because roe v. wade is never going to get over turned. i honestly think the majority are voting for him simply because he is a democrat.

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