
Why do people honk when they're about to..?

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Why when people are driving and they almost crash or hit someone, or someone almost hits them, they ALWAYS HONK!! In real life!! Did they get this from movies? Wouldn't it be smarter to USE YOUR HANDS on the steering wheel instead, rather than honking to express your anger?




  1. They honk to get the driver to watch what hes doing!

    for example someone is edging into your lane you honk! and he moves back into his own lane

  2. Actually I think they should have a choice of buttons you can push that would yell out a curse word, that way there would be no doubt about what the driver meant by honking.

  3. you're pretty retarded huh

  4. It is a knee-jerk reaction meaning that it happens subconsciously because of a serge of adrenaline. I don't believe people think that honking their horn will make people avoid an accident, but the horn is a warning and when people see danger it is an automatic reaction to warn people.

  5. I wish I could honk at people while outside of my car...

  6. I don't think it's just honking to express anger or frustration....I think it's a natural reaction to say "hey dude - I'm right here!!  What were you thinking!  Did you see me?!  You almost hit me!" out of their own fear of being hit, crashed, or killed.  Simply put, I believe it's just instinct and only way to get their attention (as if the other had their attention, chances are it wouldn't have almost transpired then, right?!)

    Just my guess.....

  7. it's just a reaction, or reflex.  it has happened many times to me!

  8. Yes it would be smarter to have hands on the steering wheel.

  9. I agree to honk in anger is annoying, but sometimes people honk to get the your attention.  I will honk if someone is about to hit me to make sure they know I am there, not because I am angry.  But again, an aggressive, angry honk is very annoying.  

  10. its not to express ur anger..its to make the other driver aware.

  11. Its almost a natural reflex lol.

  12. They are trying to warn the other person so they'll correct and not hit them. It's certainly worth a try.  

  13. They panic. If they know they are about to get into an accident, they panic and try their best to alert any surrounding cars, as well as maybe alerting the other person involved in the accident that they are about to collide/make contact/etc.

    Just a theory.

  14. I was told in my drivers ed class back in 1985 that the horn is intended to be used as an alert for other cars.  It's a warning system of sorts.  I know when I hear a horn it gets my attention... and I use it to let other drivers know they messed up as well.  

  15. They do it to make the person aware and possibly to scare them back the way that the person scared them

  16. No they didn't even think of it from the movies. It's almost like taking precautions or being safe. Simple as that. Civilians sometimes doesn't realize that they might be hitting someone within seconds. So, you have to "honk" at them. When you honk at them, it's sort of a message telling the other drivers to be "careful" or to "stop" because there are cars passing by or behind/front of them. Yes I'm fully aware with why not use the "steering wheel instead"? Even though you're using the steering wheel, does it guarantee you that nothing will happen? That's 50/50 chance in any situations.  

  17. I agree with you.  I guess it's just their quick reaction and they can't control what they do when surprised.

  18. Not quite sure I understand your question? Why would the person honking  use their hands to do something else??? The honk is so the other person realizes not to do that lane change or turn... I was in Guatemala, not to long ago... LOL they use the horn there like you would not believe. They use their horn to let you know they are going for it so you better get out of the way, rather than honking to prevent an incident...  

  19. People do it to get the attention of the other driver. If the other driver isn't fully aware of what they are doing then they will hit someone but when people honk its to warn the driver, its like saying "Hey wake up and watch where you are going."

    Hope this helped.

    please answer all mine.  

  20. Sometimes there isn't enough time to turn quickly enough.  

  21. well they cant use there hands because it mit hurt them or they mit Court Cu's you mit middle finger you and get so drunk they do it to a cop and go to jail.

  22. I do both. My second day of behind the wheel I was going downhill with a bunch of shops on both sides of the road and this guy took a chance and ran in front of my car, I slammed on the brakes and moved to the right while honking. I don't think these are the types of people we should get all worked up about, it is the people who honk when the light turns green we should be mad about.

  23. It is to warn them, not to express their anger.... ha,ha.

  24. thye do use their hands on the steering wheel and honk the horn at the same time. theyre saying WATCH OUT cuz ima smack u.

  25. Lol, so true.

  26. its a warning to the other person. youre hoping that they will realize that they are about to hit you.. before they hit you. hahah (:

  27. I honk to make people mad. It makes me laugh that a simple horn can make some people so mad.

  28. yes, but if your not about to crash its a good way to draw some attention.

  29. don't the Chinese just do that , being serious that's why they have  A HORN FOR.  using hands is old fashioned. and too much effort. and no the movies got it from real life and not the other way around .

  30. Lol yeah that is kinda funny..yet weird..but hey...


  31. sometimes its just anger or reflects

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