
Why do people hunt elephant?

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I know they are hunted for the husk but are they then eaten? Is this an edible animal in certain countries? How valuable can 2 husks be ??




  1. People hunt elephant for their tusk. they usually produce them into pipe. That pipe would cost about US$20. But, a pair of tusk would cost about US$20.000. Hunters would only get tusks from adult males because their tusks have grew perfectly

  2. husk? what the **** it is TUSK

    i live in Africa

    nad i know that it is edible in ALLLL countries

    some people have bans to keep them from being commercially hunted

    they are as valuable as the black market 30 km from my house wants them to be

    The natives are allowed to hunt them

    but not sell them

    it should not be allowed to be sold

    only hunted for food

  3. Tusks, not husks.  Elephants are mainly hunted for the damage they do to peoples' property and injury they cause by attacking humans.  They are by nature roaming animals, which doesn't work well with territories which have been taken over by humans for farming.  Human populations have encroached heavily on their natural territories over the last 100 years.  Whenever there's a fight between humans and animals, animals lose.

  4. cos they are a bad shot and need big targets, so its either them or fat people

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