
Why do people idolize marriage?

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Why do people put marriage above God on their priority list?

Some people long for the day to get married when marriage is temporary. No marriage is a guarantee also.

10 points for best explanation.

I fell asleep at the pc for like 1 hour lol.

I think I should go to bed lol!




  1. I think like many other things we idolize, marriage is something tangible.  And the apostle Paul compares marriage to the relationship between Christ and the church, so at it's best it is the highest earthly imitation of what God's highest intention is for us.  Or, our hearts long for marriage because we were created to long for union with Christ.  

    Oh, yeah, and s*x.  And companionship.  And security.  It's scary to really, really trust God to actually meet all our needs, so we put our stock in a person instead.  Which, as you said, is uncertain and temporary.  

  2. marriage is great if you put in effort, and are commited.

    I ant understand why you have so much bible knollage , but despise marriage?

  3. Marriage is so important because every culture in the world has been making a big deal out of it for thousands of years. A few hundred years ago, many girls were mothers before they hit 14. Marriage is a huge social thing because it shows maturity and forms a strong bond between two people. The bond at one point was not genuine, but nonetheless it is a very sacred commitment in each culture.

  4. People idolize marriage because from small children we are taught that we are suppose to grow up find a mate and procreate.  Some people, that's all they do.  They don't care about the bills, companionship, they don't even  value the mate that they have selected. We are also taught that this is the what God wants, especially women. They will do anything to get a husband. Some will even go as far as to go after other women's man because of that ingrained impulse to be with someone and feel that they are well with in their rights to do so. We as people as a whole don't want to grow old alone.  

  5. Its the day you marry the one you want to be truly committed for supposedly the rest of their lives.

  6. Yup time for bed LOL!

    Who ever put marriage or anything else b-4 God has issuses I guess.

  7. People are in denial about marriage...they hoping that if they think that marriage is super duper awsome...then it will be so.

  8. You'd probably never understand untill you've found someone who will knock your socks off.Once you do, ask yourself that same question.

  9. Why do people put God above anything when he doesnt even exist ??

    marriage is not only temporary, theer are still marriages out there that last for life. The ones that dont last,  i could just about bet you money that they didnt get married for the right reason- love.

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