There is proof that humanity has done harm to the planet. With new technology, we can see the past, and we are seeing that we have already broken the trend as far as how high the temperatures go at their peak. Often those who dismiss global climate change say that it is natural, and again those who do not dismiss restate that, while it is natural and normal for global temperatures to rise over time, they have risen far beyond the limit at too fast a rate and too close in time to the Industrial Revolution to be entirely natural, and thus their argument is that man makes that which is natural far worse than it is supposed to be.
Another argument by those who dismiss is the hypocrisy of Al Gore, a famous supporter for the cause against global climate change. But, if a notorious liar should tell the truth, is that truth a lie?
"It won't be that bad," they say, when 1 degree celcius could bring worldwide drought, flood, and war.
What else can they say to continue ignoring?