
Why do people in Africa seem to always be fighting?

by  |  earlier

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This is something I intend to research, but I wanted to know what people here were thinking. I've wondered often why they continue to kill each other like a bunch of savages, back and forward, back and forward, keeping themselves in the proverbally stone age.

Is it their religions, feuds between people? What's the story?




  1. Colonialism. Many european countries colonized Africa. During the Berlin Conference, these countries split up the continent into the territories they wanted -- they did NOT consider the rival tribes, etc. So these rival tribes that were unwillingly grouped with each other have been fighting for hundreds of years. Also, when these territories became independent nations, they were typically left in the hands of greedy dictators who cared much more for themselves than the people of their countries. The dictators typically embezzled money. When these countries became democracies and republics, they were left in millions of dollars of debt. The average age for independence of African nations is 1961 i think. So they have not had much time at ALL to get themselves back on their feet. It sickens me when people say they don't care about what's going on over there. Ignorance is insanely prevalent, especially in my generation [[ i am 14 years old!]]. i guess i am wise beyond my years.

    anyway, i hope this answered your questions! :)

  2. Same reasons Israel and Palestine fight.

  3. One word, and this will make your research easy...


  4. any 3rd world country has a 3rd world mentality with 3rd world values. what can you expect?

  5. Basic reason : lack of education and knowledge.

    Only if the citizens are lack of knowledge, the party / govt can 'use' them to fight for something that they don't understand.

    Eg: China first emperor - Chin dynasty. The emperor forbid the people from study, all the scholars were killed. One reason, the emperor knew that the more knowledge they have, the more difficult to control them.

    Same as the Moa era. All those students were not studying and doing silly stuff everyday...

    Ask those who is in the war/ fight "why are you fighting ?' ,they will give u an answer that made you laugh.

  6. Durring the time when the areas in Africa were under colonial rule, for example- South Africa was a colony of England- tribes who had been feuding for hundreds of years were 'squished' together. The ignorant Europeans did not know... or care.

    Later, when the Europeans moved out, these areas still consisted of the different tribes who's, for some reason a long time ago, ancestors hated each other. They can't, and probably never will, get along and forget everything just to pretend like everything has been 'hunky-doory' all along.

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