
Why do people in Switzerland are trilingual in German, Italian and French ?

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What do you think Anglos?

Y ustedes Hispanos ?




  1. Because those are  three official languages of Switzerland (the forth is Romansh) ...

    Just look at a map of Europe and you'll understand why the Swiss speak German, Italian, and French (hint hint ... geography) ...  Actually, most Europeans are at least bilingual ... you kind of have to be on a continent that has over 50 languages.

  2. boarder jumpers,late at night they sneak into germany and drink as much beer as they can and steal a few cars,drive into italy gorge them selves on food and wine  and ask for forgiveness for what they are about to do in france,switch cars and roll in to france,baby the party is just starting

  3. Porque los Anglos en EE.UU temen a los Hispanos

  4. 'talian and French are the same,

    In Russia they learn English and German,

    No language but English is consequential,

  5. Switzerland has different Cantons.  The major language in those Cantons differs, so Swiss people learn all 3 languages just to be able to communicate with all the people in their country.  It also helps in commerce with their European neighbors.

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