
Why do people in general discriminate?

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Just looking for ideas.




  1. We select others based on their looks.

  2. Because they KNOW they can get away with it,no justice,no peace.

  3. Because people are afraid of what they don't understand. It is far scarier to admit that our cultures norms and values are not concrete facts but rather fluid thoughts that can change over time and place. People discriminate against differences, no one discriminates the norm, we as society are scared of what is different.

  4. basically it's because when people encounter other people who are not like them, they fear them and that fear becomes hate, which is then passed down to future generations and thus creates a cycle of hate toward people who are different.

  5. differences that cannot be tolerated.

  6. Because people are threatened by anything that isn't familiar to them.

  7. for some folks it comes a natural thing.

    some are blind and can not see.

    on what they are doing

  8. Discrimination is a biological imperative.  Human civilization is only several thousands of years old.  Human evolution is over millions of years when small bands of humans had to compete.  Each group considered themselves to be "human" while other groups were not.  Discrimination is a natural effect.

  9. People sometimes discriminate, because they can't accept other people of a certain race, culture, age, gender, abilities, or religion.  I was job searching all last year, and there were employers that didn't want to interview and hire me because I wasn't a certain age and a certain race.  I heard many stories of how  supermarkets and Petsmart stores; discriminate job applicants for many reasons.  Just because an employer doesn't like a job applicants race, religion, age or gender; doesn't mean that person can't do the job.  

    Discrimination is ridicules; and it shoes how some people don't accept how others are different in this world.

  10. Because everyone is born into a particular culture, and each culture either feels that theirs is superior to others.  What a person grows up with is normal to them, and when they encounter another culture, it may at first appear bad or wrong.  Generally speaking, we like people who are like us, and we can feel threatened when someone is not like us, because we don't understand.  Hope that was helpful.

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