
Why do people in the Midwest call Soda "pop"

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I'm actually from the midwest and even I don't know the answer to this question!




  1. i don't know... i'm in CA and we just call it soda. haha you won't hear anyone here say pop...


  3. lmao i wonder the same thing i have no clue

  4. ha ha that is such a good question! I am from Michigan, and when i was a kid my cousin came here (from where i dont know) and she was helping me put groceries away and she said "wow you guys drink alot of soda", and i was like "what??" lol and i have never forgotten it since. I have no clue as to the answer but i think its hilarious, and everytime i hear someone say soda i feel a little less proper. :)

  5. Down south they call it pop.

    Why do they call tennis shoes ..... Sneakers ? Is it all of you or you all ???

    Why is fire hot /// ice cold ????

    WHY ASK WHY ?????? HA HA

    Write a book with these thoughts.  

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    Don't stop asking questions !!!!!!

  6. Im from Wisconsin and we say pop. depends what your used to.  

  7. cheeaa!!! im from good old nebraska. is POP. not soda. every one knows tht.

  8. Because it is Pop to us. That's all we ever knew it as.

  9. I have always known it to be POP..It is weird to me for people to call it SODA!

    here is a little something I found:

    The word soda comes from soda-water (sodium bicarbonate with acid to create fizz). Its original meaning was sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, but has evolved into one of the generic terms for a soft drink.

    Pop was introduced later in 1812 by Robert Southey,

    A new manufactory of a nectar, between soda-water and ginger-beer, and called pop, because ‘pop goes the cork’ when it is drawn.

    Trailing soda and pop in popularity is coke, which has influence in the south likely due to the location of the Coca-Cola plant in Georgia. “I’ll have a coke,” “What kind of coke?”, “Root beer please”.

    While this paper does numerous small surveys on the ubiquity of soda/pop/coke, this newer map is a more comprehensive view of the linguistic divide of people in the United States (via,

    Hope this helps!

  10. Its called pop because of the fizzy popping sound it makes... Also wouldnt some people call a burp a pop also?

  11. I am Canadian and we call what you call soda we call it pop. I don't think there's a difference it;s just a name it is soda pop some say soda instead of soda pop and other's say just pop.I am 52 yrs. old and the only time i heard it called soda was in Florida and in some movies.

  12. they also call that in canada

    i am from there

    they call it pop because they just do.

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