
Why do people in the adoption section automatically assume that one wants to adopt or give up her child...?

by  |  earlier

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when a question is posted here?

Can't one ask for the sake of knowlege? Or any other reasons besides wanting to adopt or wanting to give a baby up??




  1. Sure, you could ask for any number of reasons.  But my experience IRL is that people rarely do.  They might ask me how it feels to be adopted, or about my experience, but I never get questions about the adoption process itself from anyone who isn't at least a little bit interested in going through it.

    I know the web isn't real life.  But it can be easy to forget that sometimes.  (-:

  2. Cause people assume....

    it makes an @$$ outta U and ME

  3. Just laugh at their stupidity.  :)

  4. The anti-adoptionists won't allow it. They have a guilty conscience and will tell you to keep the baby regardless of the situation.

    The rest of us get false violation reports, threats, and voted down, if we dare to speak up. You have to go to pregnancy & parenting or psychology to get an honest answer, without being falsely reported.

  5. lol.... for a minute there i thought you were serious.

  6. Sorry sweetie, but if you're looking for honesty, genuine information and non-judgemental advice, you are sooooo in the wrong place!

    There's just too many toxic people on here who sit and wait for a chance to make snide and sarcastic comments to people who ask genuine questions.

    My advice to you is to go to a different forum or read some adoption blogs if you have questions.

  7. I think there are alot of predators waiting in the wings for a vulnerable pregnant young woman to mention 'adoption' so they can help themselves to her child

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