
Why do people in the past thought that we would be in a space utopia?

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Like why did people in the past though we would have hovercrafts or space cars or yea




  1. Do you mean the Space Program ? I thought we would be in space utopia by now.Why ? Because we went from experimenting with leftover n**i V-2 Rockets from WW II , to landing on the Moon, in just over a Decade.President Kennedy made the challenge to land on the Moon before the 60 's ended.And, with Star Trek being one of the most popular TV Programs at that time, it sure seemed like we were headed in that direction.If you had told me that nearly 40 years later we would have old, decrepit space shuttles that can barely get into orbit, with primitive Rocket Power, and have to glide back to Earth, that two of them would crash, and at times , we would have to rely on our friends from Russia, I would never have believed it.I, and just about everyone else thought for sure we would at least be approaching a " Space Utopia " by now .

  2. I think ever since space was discovered people looked at it as the final frontier.

  3. It was not just space that was supposed to hold Utopia. Black Americans moved to Russia after the Communist takeover believing it would be Utopia. Many small farming communes over the years have tried to create utopia. Plato and others wrote of it.

    It is a dream that cannot work because they don't know that utopia is against all the laws of human nature. If the U.S. had stuck to its founding principles, it would be a real utopia because it ALLOWS all things in good human nature to go forward, and punishes all things bad.

    But right from the start men like Hamilton screwed it up with things like the Whiskey Tax; the Supreme Court was innefectual; the churches didn't understand that the Fed. govt. was not Constitutionally delegated to assist any religion so Evangelicalism rose its ugly head to promote religious laws; etc etc.

    Nothing ever goes right when compromises are compromises of principle, and utopias are compromises on the nature of human nature.

  4. Life was a mixture of happiness and sorrow. So the imagination of man made him dream of a 'space utopia' full of happiness and no sorrow.  

    Religions extended the idea and invented 'h**l' to frighten people into good conduct + accepting the religion as correct.

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