
Why do people in these days still think that Colombia is a jungle?

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it a huge city!!

check it out!




  1. Its because most people base their information on what television shows them:  Pablo Escobar and jungle clearings with guerilla soldiers.  I know that's not the case.  Colombia is a rare gem, and is becoming safer by the day for both natives and tourists.  But only those who actively try to find out more about your country discover the truth.

    Your culture is a great one, your people have shown much perseverance and courage in their history, and are only now being able to truely reap the benefits of a stable and peaceful land.  Please do not let the ignorance of others prevent you from enjoying being a native of one of the most beautiful places on earth.

  2. Because part of the Amazon begins in Colombia.  It's as simple as that.  It's the same reason that people think that Brazil is a jungle.  Sure, part of it is, but not all of it.

  3. I think that's because Colombia is a country with lots of biodiversity. Although i think that's a lack of culture because Colombia has huge cities like Bogota, Medellin, Cali and Barranquilla. Also they might think because of the coffee and cocaine...

  4. Because all people know is pablo escobar and cocoaine and think that everyone lives in shacks with no running water.

    by the way, you want to include the name Bogota in the body of your question. colombia is a country and bogota is a city.

    nice vidoes!

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