
Why do people insist on buying hybrid vehicles?

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Im an environmental science major and I recently did some calculations for my energy policy class about the economic efficiency of hybrid cars. What I found was that at $3.50/gal., one would have to drive a hybrid civic (for example) more than 300,000 miles to pay for the hybrid package premium with money saved from fuel savings. Plus hybrid battery packs are expected to last only 100,000 miles before needing to be replaced. This extra cost means that this particular hybrid (and all others) would NEVER pay for itself from fuel savings. So... if this is true, why are they so popular? Its a joke really.




  1. The purpose is not just to save money, but to decrease fuel usage (less reliance on imports) and to reduce emissions.  Additionally, as they become more popular/common, the cost becomes less.  Eventually they can become priced similarly to non-hybrid cars.

  2. i dont know

    maybe for ppl not drivin 300,000  it saves them?

    i really dont know

    good question!!!

  3. When we run out of gas, you wouldn't be worrying about what a big joke hybrids are.

  4. So your figures might be a little out. I tend to agree with you though. It doesn't stack up on economics.

    What you have uncovered is that people are willing to pay a premium for something that  is "better". There are many examples of this in the marketing.

    In terms of the environment hybrids are better. They use less fuel than a conventional car and are fully recyclable. There is significantly less maintenance costs also.

    If you where to run through your figures for a seventies sedan or a bicycle you would probably find that both stack up better economically that a hybrid. Only one of these is going to stack up better environmentally. Most people do not want to buy either.

  5. well i thinks its that people are ready to leave the industrial generation behind and move to the techical generation.  gas was good for my grandpappy but i ready to move on.  as far as cost i don't think you should think of the savings but what it will effect my kids how has gas and its price economically efficient.

  6. Because these people look forward to spending $5,000 when the battery dies. Yes, that is no typo. It is $5,000 (five thousand) dollars. I wouldn't buy any vehicle that had one part that cost that much! That is crazy!

  7. because the dont pulut the air

  8. I replaced a Mini-Van that got at best, 20 MPG with a Ford Escape Hybrid SUV that gets me 38-40 MPG.

    My Ford Escape Hybrid Cost me $3000 more than a traditional Gas Escape.  I have traveled 39,000 miles in 2.5 years.

    Both vehicles weigh about 4000 pounds.

    Old car = 39,000 miles / 20 MPG  would have used1950 gallons

    New Hybrid = 39,000 miles / 38 MPG = 1026 gallons actual

    1950 - 1026 = 924 gallons saved in 2.5 years with a hybrid.

    924 gallons x $3.00/gal = $2772 saved in 2.5 years.

    I will "break even" and start "saving money" in 3 years, and about 45,000 miles.  Everything after that is "gravy".  Both for me, and the environment. Win-Win.

    Any more questions?

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  9. I guess they do it because it helps the earth and saves them money....

  10. Because it makes them feel good, and that is sufficient as money spent on feeling good is always money well spent.  And as I have frequently said to those questioning people who buy SUV's or other low mileage vehicles, who died and put you in charge of what type of car others buy?

  11. Hybrids are touted as environmentally friendly, only by the manufacturers, retailers, and people who believe their ads. in reality, their only actual benefit is to help remove our dependence on foreign oil.

  12. You're mistaken.  Read the other answers in this category over the past few minutes.

    My hybrid's batteries are under warranty to 120,000 miles by Honda.

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