
Why do people insist on shoving their political beliefs down people's throats over Y!A?

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Obama falsely claimed Hillary disrespected MLK.

No one cares.

McCain is old.

No one cares.

Hillary is a two-faced b*tch.

No one cares.

The election is still in the primary process, it started far too early for its own good, we are still half a year (6 months) away from Election Day. My question is: is anyone else tired of fake questions on Y!A?

My opinion: These aren't even questions, they're just someone trying to sway your belief, due to their pompous attitude with no media outlet. And I know what the number one answer for this will be: "No one cares." or "Hypocrit." However, I'm bored between classes sooooo ugh please people stop this bullsh*t you aren't persuading anyone. All you are accomplishing is creating anonymous enemies over the internet and mass-producing the feeling that others must state their own opinion to ineffectively defend their preferred candidate. Thanks for reading.




  1. Why???  Who knows --- Its usualy the folks with to much time on there hands ---- YOU DO happen to make a good point though ----- There are 300000000 people in this country -- THATS 300 million people -- and all this great nation can come up with is these 3 candidates?? The poster child of multiculturalism with NO massage -- Clinton the liberal misfit and a used up republican windbag???   Seems like anybody qualified doesnt want the job....   The big quastion is why?? Whats the big picture here? Is the pay to low?  or is the most qualified folks tired of hearing how the media rips and tears people to shreds if they find the slightest evidence of some slight or missdeed - driving good people away!

  2. Shoving their opinion down your throat????

    Interesting. If someone is talking about their political opinions, can you not offer any rebuttal? If you cannot, then perhaps you can walk away? Tell them you do not wish to discuss a particular topic?

    If they continue, simply end the conversation by walking away. The blabbermouth is execising his rights to free speech. You can exercise your right to ignore it.

  3. There are other things to consider. There could be found an iressistable target for spleen in the term Smart Bomb.

    Think about it this is a term which  was put to use to describe  bombs with laser targeting systems which were dropped on civilians in Iraq.  The question person could ask is if these bombs were so smart why would they permitt themselves to be dropped on on Iraq why not come home and run in an election. Could a Smart Bomb become President if so which one would people pick. There could be a poll  to decide.

  4. The last time I checked nobody forced you to read thier political oppinions

  5. Thanks for posting  :)

  6. Because they feel as if we coincide in the situation room.

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