
Why do people insist on stating that Global Warming is real?

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If Global Warming is real as they say caused by the CO2 levels then why in fact is there a good debate on both sides of the conflict. Even Al Gore himself won't go up aginst a scientist that is aginst his views on a debate.

Why do people insist that this problem is real and still yet are not doing anything to overcome it?




  1. why do people insist god is real?

    it is a belief based on society, the media, and personal knowledge. sometimes people get upset about something becuase everyone else does. sometimes its founded sometimes its not

  2. First of all you are confused on the debate. The debate is not about wether or not global warming exists (it does) the debate is wether or not it is our doing or the natural processes of the earth. The earth goes through cycles and does naturally and eventualll cool and heat (ice age??) the debate is that we are speeding up the process by our abondant amount of CO2 admissions that we generate. Those who believe we are speeding up the process wish to stop it by changing our ways....while others on the opposing side agree that by changing our ways the global warming process will only be prevented by a miniscule change that wont be afffective enough to stop the why bother? They are also not convinced that global warming is something to be threatened by since it is the earths natural process and not necessarily our fault. Never the less we have distroyed the beauty of our earth and should do more to make it beautiful again.

  3. It's not like people aren't trying. I think America has become more environmentally conscious, but the government hasn't been as supportive in the cause compared to other countries.

    I.E. Backing out of the Kyoto Protocol.

    Al Gore uses science to support his beliefs, and the scientific debate has been mostly geared towards whats causing it. As in... Are humans causing it? or is it a natural occurring climate change?

  4. Because its real! Duh!

  5. The complete pogrom of AGW is based on a book published in the 1970s by the Club of Rome, better known as the billionaires boys club. This book is called “The Limits to Growth” and presupposes that all the resources the human race will ever have access to for the rest of eternity have already been discovered and are already in use. In other words their supposition is we know everything we will ever have and are already using it.

    Some years ago I read a short piece called “the Martian Way” by Isaac Asimov. The core of this story is that a earth political who reminds me of Al Gore campaigns on the subject that space flight and research in space are draining Earth’s water resources and wasting them for no return value to Earth. So a group of them take their recovery ships on a long trip to the planet Saturn because its rings are mostly composed of hunks of water ice. They find a chunk of this ice a few miles long and a couple in diameter and attach their ships to it like tugs. They arrive back at Mars about the same time as the politician arrives there to pass on his edict that they will all have to return to Earth because Earth will no longer waste their precious water to keep them there.

    The leader of the Martian group then takes the politician outside and shows him the ice mountain that they have just brought back from Saturn and offers to sell Earth as much water as they need for half what Earth has been charging them for water delivered for no extra charge. It is this easy to debunk the AGW faithful because they look only to the earth beneath their feet and that is all they can see, they see not the planets, moons, asteroids and stars over our heads because they are so afraid of going out there as their fathers and grandfathers were of the new world after Columbus and the other explorers brought the word back of the wonders they found there.

  6. The fact that the planet is warming is irrefutable. The earth is in another warming period, just like it has been before.

    However, the real question is whether it is man made or not. I'm an environmentalist, an eighteen year old, a liberal, and I'm majoring in wildlife biology in college. And I can tell you with all honesty--I don't think that global warming is truly man made. I've seen too many graphs featured on Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" that have been proven false. And I've seen too many graphs that point that the earth's natural cycle warms and cools all the time. Man's contribution to the warmth is insignificant, if there's a contribution at all.

    Not that there isn't a good thing to all the man-made global warming hoopla. Like I said, I'm an environmentalist. And I love the fact that people, with renewed interest, are helping the environment with recycling, cutting back fuel and energy usage and so on. On the other hand, there are some ridiculous things happening with the media--reporters are being fired for "daring" to explore the other side of man-made global warming, and the media is making extraordinary claims like half the Antarctic melting by the end of this year. They are making the public panic about something that has insufficient evidence.

    What many people seem to be forgetting was the "Global cooling" scare of the seventies. People FREAKED out about the cooling during that time, saying it was going to be the next ice age. But you know what happened instead? The temperatures rose.

    That's what nature does.

    Nature is too powerful for something as insignificant as man to really alter it. Sure, we can damage the ozone and cut down trees and poach animals to extinction--but nature is out of our realm of things to control.

    In the wise words of Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park, "Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet - or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves."

    And, of course, "Life finds a way."

    Also, one thing to keep in mind with the so called "correlated" graphs depicting CO2 and temperature over the years...there's a time lag. That's why Gore didn't put them together in his movie. Temperature actually rises BEFORE CO2 levels go up. Not after. If Al Gore put the two lines together, people would have seen this actuality.

  7. There is a lot of money at stake.  A lot of businesses, politicians and government-paid scientists stand to gain a great deal if it continues to be a "crisis."

    GE figured out the scam long ago and is making a killing on their lightbulbs.

  8. Because Al Gore and a bunch of envrionmentalists who

    are making money off scaring people are pushing this


  9. WHICH climate scientists or atmospheric physicists doubt global warnming???

    Can you provide me a trusted source???

    Close to nobody doubts the earth is warming

    NO scientist doubts the physics of the greenhouse effect

    NOBODY has a doubt about the fact that greenhouse gases increased from 280ppm to 360ppm as a result of human activity.

    Less than 1% of scientists think that the additional greenhouses gases in the atmosphere is not the reason for the increased temperatures.

    Where is the debate? Can you really show me one?

  10. Just look .... Gore says it will destroy the world but still produce more Corbin then 50 average households.

  11. What 'good debate' are you talking about?  It doesn't exist in the scientific community, because virtually no peer-reviewed scientific papers reject the consensus that humans are causing global warming.

    I don't know what "people" you're talking about in the second part of your question.  I do everything I can to reduce global warming on a personal level.  I also spread knowledge about the science and support politicians who make it a top priority.

  12. it is real because wer living in a closed ball of earth which means that all our activities confined in ,plus the co2 results work as a shield against coolin air which cause ,rising in temperature which in due warms our climate,so melting of ice happen,great winds also, storms,heavy raining ,so because these cases were noticified frquently  so global wormoingisreal valueto count

  13. Many people are trying to do something, even those who don't "believe" in global warming.  What's the harm in doing things just in case???

  14. What a great question!

    It is called inertia; people really don't try very hard to actually fix their problems because it is much easier to fantasize that they will just go away. The problem is definitely real but the solution is complex because it requires the cooperation of many different people, and that is never simple.

    If we just restored the soils on our open range lands in this country so that wild grasses could flourish the way that they once did, in one week there would be sufficient new oxygen generated to offset the effects of greenhouse gasses of a whole year.

    The Brazilians clearing the Amazon jungle of trees are not the only culprits. But it is always easier to blame somebody else than to take personal initiative.

  15. AGW has won every scientific debate it has ever been in. That is why it is accepted. If it were to have lost *any* of it's debates, it would no longer be the predominant theory. Why should Gore debate something which has gone undefeated in scientific debates for decades? Why would anyone waste their time with another debate? And why would anyone choose Gore for such a debate anyways?

  16. Global Warming is not debatable. The CAUSE of the warming is. The earth has warmed and cooled many times during its multi-billion year existence, none of which were caused or affected by humans. To take a sampling of less than 100 years and extrapolate the data into Chicken Little's theory  that "The sky is falling" is stupidity. Yes, I said that Al "Ozone" Gore is STUPID!

    This "theory" is all about money and control. Those that believe otherwise are lemmings.

  17. Research @ global warming on the net if you must, but in all honesty, it is real and will become a more serious issue in the FUTURE GENERATIONS. In my opinion, that is why many are notdoing anything. Also, as you may already realize, everything on this planet seems to have to do with money and greed. many people are too ignorant to cop to the facts that humans are destroying the only planet we can reside on and with. If you take into consideration about the facts that weather patterns are going haywire with temperature changes which causes more hurricanes, monsoons, and tornadoes, polar ice caps are melting quicker than previous years, ocean levels raising and many other naturally disasterous statistical facts, only a person in denial or ignorant would insist that the planet is not getting warmer. I'm not a scientist, and maybe gravitational pull from the sun is the real reason, but anything that can help conserve life on earth for the longest time is what I think people should work towards doing. I took an awesome course in college about enviornmental science a couple years ago. one of the BEST books I have ever read and still own has @ 100 websites with all kinds of information @ many different topics for our planet. I suggest this book for everyone who wants to find out true facts and be informed: principles of enviornmental science. Inquiry and applications. by:william p. cunningham and mary ann cunningham. Homeschoolers should get this book as well as any human whom wants to be knowledgeable and not gullible about the truth.sorry for putting this so bluntly but I believe that everyone wants to really know the truth about things in life and I'm just telling you what I would research  and where to go fo other info. aloha taz

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