
Why do people insist that marijuana is dangerous when there had never been a death from it?

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No one has ever died from using marijuana. Not a single person. So how can it be classified as dangerous? Ive smoked pot for almost 10 years now off and on, and my doc tells me I'm in great health.




  1. There has been many deaths that have been linked to it, just not immediate ones.  

    Slowly, it will cause problems in your head, and can give you both physical illnesses and mental ones, along with respiratory problems.  

    So as for the not a single person, i think you should talk to someone who works in a psychiatric ward.  They would think differently.

    And it does appy to the majority of smokers.  Yes, there is a minority that can smoke it responsibly, but realistically, most do not.

    And the link between marijuana and mental illness is not weak.  It is if you want to see it that way, if you can say that there are just many, many, many coincidences and no hard facts, but there has been more based on less, believe me.

    But it is good that you are in great health.

    I hope that this helps.

  2. cuz you lose your memory when u smoke it alot , and u become another person.

  3. Regarding people's replies to your question, you all have been brainwashed. More and more studies are popping up finding beneficial uses for marijuana. Also, there are more studies showing that marijuana is not as dangerous as previously thought.

    As long as you are responsible for your actions, and it doesn't affect your health or lifestyle, I don't believe anything is wrong with it. I am a smoker and have recently been doing research on marijuana pertaining to bodybuilding and there are more positives than negatives.

    As far as health risks, there are many companies that sell waterpipes or, my preference, vaporizers. Waterpipes greatly reduce the toxins ingested, and vaporizers keep out toxins completely due to the fact that the herb is not burned, but heated to a point where THC is optimumly extracted.

    Just don't be stupid and drive when you are high. Be responsible and you will be fine.

  4. cause u can go pshico

  5. it is not you that is in danger when you smoke pot... its other people... when your drive, it impairs your driving.. you are under the influence. I have heard that people have had many horrible car accidents due to being high.. and people have died. not from smoking it, but from car accidents.

  6. its because decades ago, the mexicans smoked it, then crossed the border and would rape and kill women. that's why they made it illegal in the first place. as for health it makes you schitzophrenic so there for it is dangerous

  7. Marijuana is fine. Too much of it could mess your head up. But too much of anything is bad for you.

  8. Untrue.

    There was a case where a man was struck by a bale of marijuana that had been thrown out of a plane ;-)

    On a more serious note - smoking pot is as dangerous as (or more dangerous than) smoking tobacco. Filters are not commonly used, and smokers tend to hold the smoke in their lungs for long periods of time. Even if it is not mixed with tobacco, marijuana contains many carcinogenic compounds by itself.

  9. What makes you think no one has died from it?  Here in my town last summer a guy was high (his tox screen showed only marijuana) and got into a car accident with 3 girls on bikes and killed 2 of them and left the other one without an arm.  A boy I dated in junior high smoked a lot and he and some friends were smoking out by some train tracks, he laid down on them and passed out, his friends sat there and laughed and he was hit and died right there, with his friends watching.  I get it, it's "all natural" and whatever, but it makes you high and THAT is what is dangerous.  

  10. Actually there have been lots of deaths from marijuana.

    Driving under the influence and causing an accident.

    Work related deaths while under the influence.


    Making stupid decisions while under the influence.

    I've never met a person that smoked marijuana on a regular basis that I would consider above average in intelligence.  If anything, they are mentally handicapped.

    Bus drivers on pot?  Don't think so.

    Airline pilot on pot?  Don't think so.

  11. What do you eman nobody has died from it?

    Out of 350 people in myu high school graduating class, 75 died from marijuana.

    Oh, they didn't die from smoking it.  They died from being high and having a car accident.  They died form an overdoes from another drug they learned to take when marijuana didn't get them high enough.  They died from gunshot wounds in drug deals gone bad.  One died from being beaten to death while he was in jail for possession.

    Majijuana itself doesn't kill you. But it DOES make you 'stoopid', and then you do stupid things that kill you.

    Stay away from it.

  12. they are useing it to cure sertian deaseass like glocoma. they cant tax what we can grow or you would be able to buy it in stores

  13. there is linkage between use and many mental disorders.  people with mental disorders often kill and people who steal money for drug habits sometimes kill as do drug runners and gangs, so I don't see how you can say that it doesn't cause deaths.  In fact drug use is the main cause of crime in this country, making it a less safe and worse place for all of us to live.

  14. Cause the government tells them its dangerous, which is a lie. People have been smoking it for thousands of years. The only danger besides perhaps becoming a "lazy stoner" is bronchitis. Pot has been believed to cure or help people with many diseases including asthma, a.d.d, alzheimers, cancer, glaucoma, migraine headaches, insomnia and many other problems. Some research even suggests that thc (the chemical that gets you high) helps kill tumors thus lessening cancer risks.  

  15. were you high when you asked this? Cancer, car accidents, brain

    damage, depression, the list is endless. Don't be an idiot.  

  16. It's because marijuana kills precious brain cells when they are developing.  In the teen years, when most cells are being developed, is when it is most dangerous because the cells are susceptible.  However, once the cells are fully developed, there is really no real threat.

    That's just what I heard, hope this helps.

  17. You are misinformed. There HAVE been deaths due to smoking marijuana. Don't be a fool.

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