
Why do people interject non facts instead of answering legitimate questions?

by Guest60894  |  earlier

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A few weeks ago I asked a question about the FN SLP Police automatic 12 ga shotgun...I needed some advice before buying one to replace the Department issued Remington 870 I usually guy jumped on the bandwagon calling it an "over priced piece of junk" then went on to extol the virtues of the Mossberg 590 pump....I have a pump...I wanted some input on an auto I was looking at....why do people like that just not answer if they cant give input that was asked for?




  1. Some people on Answers are just posers who really don't know what they are talking about.  Normally the other answerers will rate them low or expose them.  When I see a really strange or obviously wrong answer I always like to go to their profile and look at other answers and questions they've posted.  For example, on hunting a hunting question about baiting deer a guy posted and answer that said that it was illegal and that the asker should probably not hunt. When I checked his answers and questions on his profile it was obvious he was an anti-hunter.  

    Nice choice on the FN.  I carried an Rem. 870 before I retired.  Firearms choices should be based on what works best for you.  A few years back for part of our qualification we had to fire weakhand barricade from 25 yards.  We cut it out when, although it's a great skill to develop, we realized that most cops will shoot strong hand no matter what unless they are wounded.  If you are being shot at, you're gonna go with what works best for you.  Still do the weakhand up close though.  Be safe, brother.

  2. FN produces 70 percent of all out military small arms.

    Nothing they ever made was junk.

    Don't sweat the dumb people.

  3. I like the has a good rep and is very reliable...if a little pricey for some people......those are some of the ones who trend to the Mossbergs....remember the old saying''Opinions are like as*holes....everybody has one"...its just too bad that people on Yahoo cant just answer with whatever facts they know and keep their opinions to themselves....

  4. I've seen a few of the SLP's in use in some harsh conditions. I never did get the chance to fire one, but the teams sure seem to like them.

  5. I remember that question and that particular " answer" you speak of...some people don't read the question and some just want to show off how much they know...and most of those just wind up showing off how much they DON'T know.....I have a FN SLP and I too love it...good buy!!!

  6. archon is correct. i also noted that many people are biased to their experiences only. which are their opinions and not facts, thus making an argument more than successfully helpig people with their questions.

  7. I see your point and think that it is because people confuse opinion for the facts.  On a similar note one of my own pet peeves is when people spread factoids, myths and urban legends for truth.  Example:  

    To never post the entire serial number of a gun because:  

    1.  Someone will say it is his gun, that you stole it and you will go to jail and he gets to keep your gun.  Ha, ha!  The police are not stupid.  This is the information age and the person filing the phony police report will be the one going to jail.  

    2.  Someone will 'steal your identity' because you posted your gun's serial number.  Right!  So we all drive around with our car's license plates partially covered because far more information can be had from a license plate than from a gun's serial number!  

    Some people just don't think.

    By the way, both the 870 & the SLP are nice shotguns.


  8. People use opinions instead of facts.  Example,  For me I hate sigs,  They are very Practical reliable Firearms.  But I don't like them.  People will try to give opinions as technical information.  When it comes down to it,  Most of time you will get some descent answer here at Yahoo.  But,  you should always do the research yourself to check on people.  Another Example,  I lot of people don't like Romanian AK's.  So they say Don't buy one.  They Jam, Canted sights, ETC...  That's Because someone had a bad experience.  or someone doesn't have first hand experience.  and are going on what other people say.  by the way I have 3 Romanian AK's All in different calibers.  They Work Flawlessly.

    Hope this helped  

  9. Well, what did you expect really? This is forum open to anyone, with a scattering of knowledgeable people who are willing to help. You have to take all the answers here with a grain of salt, and try to separate the good information from the bad.

  10. A lot of the folks on here appear to be kids, or at least of a childlike mentality. The answers they give reflect this. What surprises me more, (to my dismay), often their uninformed and inaccurate answers are chosen as best answer. I guess we should keep the Answers disclaimer in mind: For entertainment purposes only......

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