
Why do people join cults?

by Guest61803  |  earlier

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I am doing a short presentation tomorrow on why people join cults in my sociology class. The postulation i'm making is that the reason people join cults is because of their lack of social connections. What do you think?




  1. To be concise, a need to fit in and be wanted.

  2. Comfort, connection, belonging. sometimes attraction to a charismatic personality can factor, too.

  3. Is it cults or religious sects?

    Cults: may be crave for something physical (social connections, friendships etc)

    Religious sects: they are spiritual seekers.

    There is a vast difference between the two

  4. People join cults because these people believe that joining a certain cult will "save" them.

    Also, a cult is like a drug.

    Cults give you a blurry vision of reality, much like drugs.

    Instead of facing your problems & try to solve them, you would rather do the cult rituals which you believe that may "help", even though it's not.

  5. We all want to belong to something that has meaning,Gangs,clubs,social organizations-for each of us the meaningful components vary,for those who cannot find any meaning anywhere a cult is the most easily accepted,particularly when they are often so welcoming,  nonjudgmental and generous with their compassion.They are predators of the weak minded and spiritually lost.

  6. Self-pity and self-denial leads to join any cult, occult, religion, etc.etc.



  7. They get a sense of belonging from a group.  The cult as a whole thrives and gets power from being misunderstood and attracts people who feel misunderstood or underrepresented in the community.

  8. You're right- people who join cults tend to lack social connections. Because they lack social connections, confidence, or some sort of structure or drive in their lives, they are very susceptible  to the psychological manipulation that draws people into cults. Most people drawn in are hungry for some sense of belonging, purpose, or salvation, and cults all claim to offer these things to someone who has an underdeveloped sense of personal identity. Just look at Scientology.

  9. same answer to those people who join religious sects.  yes, it is true that they have lack of social connection and fundamental beliefs on major religions.  but, joining the cults is part of their choice and belief.

  10. identity, beliefs, enforcement....

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