
Why do people joke around with this issue?

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I used to be anorexic and looking back to that moment in my life i cant help but feel pitty, anger and sadness toward myself for making that decision. I hate myself for doing it, but i am mostly shocked. I had it good. Well sometimes at school, there are people who joke around by saying " i think i am going to be anorexic on mondays and tuesdays", or " i want to be anorexic", when they actually freakin dont.!! They just say that to joke around. I hate it when they do that. My question is why do some people do that. Even on here some people post questions saying, " i want to be anorexicc, any tips" OMG Its not funny. I get super pissed since i used to be anorexic and i know how it feels.




  1. One quick and simple answer.


    There are Many stupid people. All they wish for in life is to Conform! They want to make everyone else happy no matter what it takes. They'll change their looks, actions, and alot of them will even give their VIRGINITY just so someone will like them.

    Some people you can talk to, and explain to them they don't. Those people still have hope.

    Other's simply cannot be reasoned with. They are only pure stupidity, and they ALWAYS think they are right, no matter how wrong they truly are. One day they'll regret it, but until they have broken themselves, there really is nothing to be done.

    Live your life, love who you are now that you've realized your previous problem, and corrected it, and if you feel you MUST try to explain, do it. Maybe one of them will listen. That's the best we can hope for.

  2. People joke about everything it's just the way the world is

  3. If you have never experienced something it's very difficult to comprehend the seriousness of it. I think that is why people joke around about serious issues.  

  4. Yeah I never was anorexic but I think its rude too when people do that. They never know what their talking about. I always say "You shouldnt joke about that type of stuff". Its just insensitive! People just are trying to be funny but its not! I'm glad your not anorexic anymore though. Good for you!

    Love Haleigh<3

  5. Some people just don't understand how severe something like anorexia is until they're suffering with it themselves. They think, that just because it's not them, then its not so bad. Or they believe that they could control it so it doesn't get so bad. Or even maybe because they think that people just make a fuss about it for nothing and it's not as severe as they think, which we all know isn't the case.

    Getting over anorexia is an extremely wise decision so great job on that. Don't let comments like those of the people around you, and jokes such as those you heard, get you back into that disease. You're stronger now than you were before, congratulations.  

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