
Why do people judge NBA players by how many rings they have??

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I hate when people judge how good a player is by his rings. Some players just never get rings and they are some of the best players that ever lived. They won MVPs, the broke records, and they had a lot of heart too. Maybe they are just unlucky or just couldn't do it. Why do people say how good a player is by their rings??

Here are some amazing players without rings




Steve Nash

Jason Kidd

Lebron James (still young can win one)

All time:

John Stockston

Reggie Miller

Charles Barkley

Patrick Ewing

Karl Marlone

Chris Webber

Dominique Wilkins

I mean no one can denie these are some of the best players ever but don't have a ring!!




  1. Because great players get rings. Good players go to the All-Star game and get awards. Great players go get championships.

  2. I agree.

  3. big baby davis is better than lebron james because he has more ring than lebron. JK

    I think people judge by ring when they are comparing good players like kobe and lebron.

  4. Usually fan boys do that.

  5. this is the logical result of the BEST players being able to ELEVATE their teams by their play and mostly WILL to win championships...a few examples:

    Larry Bird

    Bill Russell

    Bob Cousy

    Michael Jordan

    Wilt Chamberlain

    Magic Johnson

    Kareem Abdul Jabbar

    Shaquille O'Neal

    Isiah Thomas

    guys like these are the REASON guy like the ones you mention have never won a championship...this btw. doesn't necessarily make them BAD players, just not first tier NBA players...

    there's a reason why they keep score (including playoff games)...

  6. It is true but all those people you listed expect Lebron James have something missing in their game, success.

  7. people dont understand that some players are lucky 2 play on a championship team, while others havent got the best supporting cast like iverson and barkeley 4 example, and those others u mentioned.

  8. Hey Rob

    You need to replace Michael Jordan with Scottie Pippen! Jordan had his chance to elevate his team and FAILED! .....LMFAO!!!

    It wasn't until Pippen took over that the Bulls started racking up rings. Without Pippen, Jordan is just a bald-headed Dominique Wilkins!

    And that's why Michael Jordan is NOT  a top tier player .....

  9. Its how the players judge one another .

    Rings give them bragging rights.

  10. Because if they don't do so, then there will be no other reason for some fans to say TD is better than KG. I mentioned it as an example that I've seen too many times here. More than 98% of people who say Tim is better than Kevin act like this: TD 4 rings (sorry if not correct), KG 1 ring; so TD is better; no claim, you can see it yourself.

    I think it's just a reason for some people to inspire what they like.

  11. People who know about basketball, ie coaches, don't judge players by rings. The people who do judge players by rings are either idiot fans who try to hate on particular players or media members who just write to make money without knowing anything about basketball. They don't understand you can never blame a team's loss on one player or give the credit for victory to one player.

  12. Well the object of the game is to win, but putting it all on one player is silly.

    It's not the fault of the "marque" player, but rather the fault of the organization (coaching, GM, owner) as a whole if the team can't win a title.

    Any of these players listed could have been champions given the right situation.

    Every great player that has won championships (Jordan, Bird, Duncan, Magic) has had great coaching, a stacked roster, and great moves through trade or free agency.

    Red Auerbach had seemingly every great player in the league at one point. Bill Russell played with like, 10 hall of famers! LOL!

    So while championships do add a little shine to players resume, I don't think it makes or breaks their greatness.

  13. I think its players that mainly judge upon themselves on championships because they see that as the ultimate accomplishment. I agree that some stars are overlooked because of the lack of rings but the ultimate glory is to be a star and get your team to a Finals victory. Thats the true symbol of a champion. This was seen perfectly in the Boston Celtics as all the 3 stars gave up their stats and status for the benefit of the team in order to win a ring. Most of the players listed are also past and future Hall-of-Famers and shows that even though many underlook them, the NBA recognizes their efforts. However, look at KG and you see that a ring completes the greatness in a player and echoes it forever. R.Miller and Ewing were great but cannot be called the best when compared to Hakeem or Jordan because the rings are proof of greatness. However, every star is as much of the NBA as anybody else. With or without a ring. And the NBA recognizes it and thats what matters. I also think some players who win rings still have to prove themselves great. i.e: Kobe and Dwayne Wade. Oh yeah, and as a Rockets fan I still think T-mac can win a ring (if uninjured). Also Steve Nash because he has a good team.

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