
Why do people judge a person on what they do and how much money they make. ?

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I'm 37 i'm a home health aid I'm in school to do better I have about 14 credits before I have my AS degree, when I go to people homes they talk down to me because they think I'm not educated. I'm a first time home buyer. I do plan on getting my BS degree. I had some rough times in my life and made some bad decisions. I could be father in life but I made some run turns. I had some people tell me that I will not be anything but want I am now that I'm to old to do anything. Does anyone else out there no how it feels to just start life over in your late 30's any success stories?

Beginning Life at 37

PS. I'm thinking about joining a Sorority. Does that sound crazy.




  1. This is the way society is. You are measured on how much money you make, how you dress, what kind of car you drive, where you stay, your credit, and THEN your personality (if that).

    Do what you have to do to make your self happy and don't worry about others. When they see you are happy with you, they will stop talking. Furthermore, stop telling people what you're "going to have" until you get it.

  2. caz they gold diggers

  3. Hey, hang in there.

    I hope when you make it big, you remember not to talk down on others.

    But anyway, things will look up as long as you don't give up.

    Instead of a sorority..why not try God.

  4. b/c they are ignorant..its just like why are ppl judged on weight, looks, skin color..or in my accent...ppl look at outside appearance or non essential things...instead of taking time to get to know someone..

  5. What sounds crazy is that you are 37 and in college, yet you still can't spell correctly.

    Here you go:

    "I could be farther in life but I made some wrong turns. I've had some people tell me that I will not be anything but what I am now, that I'm to old to do anything. Does anyone else out there know how it feels to just start life over in your late 30's? Any success stories?"

    BTW What you do for a living and how much you make is a big part of your life, so it is a big part of who you are. While it in itself doesn't define who you are as a person, it does define you.

  6. Heck no..what matters here is what YOU think of yourself. s***w what others think. Most people who have never faced the bad times are pretty shallow.  Tune them out and join that Sorority!! Good luck and keep your head high.  

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