
Why do people judge others because of skin color?

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I want to know why alot of people judge others just because of skin color. It is no longer just whites who judge blacks or any other type of elasticities it is now people from all different races who judge and stereotype. People are just people no matter what color they are. It is their culture and environment that molds what kind of people they why judge depending on color?




  1. The main reason people judge others (for any reason) is because of ignorance.  The correct definition of ignorance "is the condition of being uninformed or uneducated, lacking knowledge or information."  Even though the information is available to people, many do not educate themselves out of fear and also what they were "taught" growing up.  (Learned behavior)

    It is very common for humans to judge others; as much as we don't want to believe that.  And it isn't just blacks and whites that judge each other (as is shown so much in history), I have seen judgment firsthand from people all over the globe.  Simply put - the judgment is due to difference of races, culture, education, religion, looks, etc...and the list goes on.  

    The most ignorant thing anyone can do is assume that their own way (who/how they were brought up/ their beliefs) is the "right way" or the "only way" to consider.  We are just very different and you have to "seek to understand before being understood".  If you want to respect from anyone, you have to give them the courtesy as well as humans.  Sadly, this common sense isn't common.  I wish it was.

    But ignorance is simply that.  And sad more people don't educate themselves we are all human beings and no different on the inside really.  We all have feelings and deserve respect.

  2. its odd that i found your question because i thought the same question today. i'm african american and i live in a prodominantly white community BUT there are a lot of people from India that also live here. i notice that they look at me and at times act like i am beneath them. whenever i speak, they never return my kind gestures. i wondered today about where did they get their attitude towards african americans from. ???

    Back to your question.....I believe ignorance is why people judge others and i do believe that culture and environment has a lot to do with it too. it's up to the individual to decipher right from wrong. it's unfortunate, but we live in a world full of haters! i hope one day we can all be on one accord.

    And good question!!

  3. We were told in sociology, that a person looks at themselves as normal. This can be skin color, religion, or what ever else they choose to make their identity.  If they are normal than all others are not.  It is not anything that is taught, it is just an unconscious thought that enters every ones mind.  It takes training, control, and education to alter the unconscious thoughts into conscious ones in order to make a change that what is normal to you may not be normal to another.  So what makes either opinion normal?  

    Excellent question by the way.  You can investigate this phenonemon further by looking up studies done in Sociology concerning this very issue.  You may be able to connect to Jstor on the net to go deeper into your question.

  4. Because too many people think in terms of labels, when they should be seeing others as persons first.

  5. Welcome to the real world my young one.Okay you're probably older than me...

    There's this thing that goes a little like this:

    Your close friend becomes your worst enemy. Your boyfriend becomes a prick. Lollipops turn into cigarettes. The innocent ones turn into s***s. Soda becomes vodka. Bikes become cars. Undies turn into g-strings. Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties? Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. The only drug you knew was cough medicine. The only things that hurt you were skinned knees. Goodbyes only meant until tomorrow. && we all couldn't wait to grow up…

    It all tends to happen when you grow up.Nobody in kindergarten cares what color you are.As long as you're nice to them and let them eat the glue.

  6. Because that's how some people were taught.

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