
Why do people judge people they dont know?

by Guest10846  |  earlier

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i hate it when people judge people by how they dress or look before they have even spoken to them. and also by their race or sexuality.




  1. I think it's biological, as well as learned. I think people try to find groups "like" them. As social animals, we strive to make community and community works best with those who are similar: less fighting, less strife. So when people judge others, they judge them on being either different or the same. If somebody is the same as you, they may be more likely to help you if you fall, not rob you, protect you from danger, etc. People you perceive as being different may hurt you, so you make a judgment on them and avoid them.

    Although in many cases, judgments are off, they are the basis of fight or flight, which helps us protect ourselves. It's our defense system since we don't have claws or sharp teeth. But in a "civilized" society, it turns into power struggles and using  how people look to either keep them down or make them seem better than others. That's also a biological thing--status. You should become an anthropology major when you get older in college. It will answer all your questions :)

  2. ignorance

  3. Often it depends on how they were raised. People can learn to be prejudice if they grew up where everyone's the same. Saddest part is, a lot of this can come from churches.

  4. By the way you dress yourself and the way your hair are fixed and the way you walked . you are making a statement ; simple as that

  5. jealousy....they feel threatened...whatever

    can you honestly say you've never done that even once?? i doubt it

  6. It's always easier to criticize or dislike something that we don't understand or are intimidated by... It seems no one takes time to get to know anyone anymore.. Pretty sad.

  7. Yep how you dress and how you take care of yourself reflect how a person feels about themselves and what type of person they are.  It is usually your fault how you present yourself.

    I do not want to talk to some goth person, a really fat person, someone who smells bad, etc. etc, nor do I want to talk to a girl that dresses like a s**t or looks shallow.  I also do not want to meet a girl that looks like a high school prep...  But I try not to "judge" any of them.  I just ignore them unless it is for business reasons or if it would be incredibly awkward not to speak with them...

    But to judge by race is bad... I agree... and to judge by sexuallity is just plain dumb.... And to judge by looks that cannot be controlled is very cruel... IMHO peace

  8. People are just dump that way. Its like me most girls turn me down when i ask them out becuase hey ill be honey im not G.Q. looking guy and yeah im a big guy but i have a lot to offer and im romantic but no girl will ever get to know that becuase all they see is eww hes not might type which really means "hes to ugly for me" but any way people are just dump you should get to know a person before making any kind of decesion about them weather its dating of just being friends

  9. I completely agree. Appearance, race, sexuality, religion, economic status, job, age, disability- you name it and there's someone who will judge another person based on it. Unfortunately, it's just the way a lot of people are. In the absence of true knowledge- or overexposure to certain stereotypes, etc.- will cause people to judge. But take heart because not all are like that (thank goodness).

  10. It is the Republican thing to do.

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