hmmm where do i start, it makes me so angery that people are so quick to judge us younger mothers even though they dont know the story.
im 15 almost 16 and im around a mouth prego, no we didnt plan it like some girls do, it was an aciddent but not a mistake... i dont think children are ever mistakes... never.
my boyfriend and i are keeping our baby. we are deciting everything togeather, hes going to all the apointments and everthing.
his mother was young when she had him.. and did the best she could and it wasnt enought so she gave him the better life by letting his aunt adopt him. she sees him every summer and he doesnt regrt the choice she made but peole still judge her..
my mom had me at 22. my father left and didnt help out at all he still doesnt and she has two of us. me im almost 16 and my sister who is 7 differnt dads but both are meannies... and she does the best the can people still judge her ... i hate the fact the people judge ..