
Why do people keep looking at me like "Whoa. What on earth is the matter with him?"

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I'm used to getting this wide-eyed, uncomprehending, cautious expression from people. But lately it's been getting on my nerves.

The expression says, "I don't know what's the matter with this guy. He seems abnormal. He seems like he's working extremely hard to achieve something that's easy, and getting stressed over things that I don't give a second thought to. I am keeping my distance from him."

When I tell people I'm stressed they can't seem to relate. They're like what's the big deal? And they seem to get things done quicker and easier than I can.

Why are they looking at me like that? Why don't they look at me in a way that shows they relate to me? It seems like they want to disassociate themselves with me and not admit they relate to me, even if they really do relate.




  1. They don't look at you in a way that shows they relate to you because most of them don't relate to you, which reflects poorly on them....not on you.  They are impatient and not very compassionate, IMHO. I manage a cafe and work with a young lady who is a lot like you.  If I see that she is becoming overwhelmed, I either go over and help her out or break the bigger task into smaller ones for her.  Something that seems a breeze to me sometimes seems to overwhelm her.  I don't always understand the reasons, but I do understand that she is distressed and might need more help than someone else.  Then again, there are times that I'm getting stressed and she comes over and breezes right on through whatever I was trying to accomplish.  We're not all great at everything we try to do and some folks just seem to have to work harder at things than others, but I've discovered that working together can do wonders.  Sounds like the folks you're dealing with are just inconsiderate jerks.  Wish I had a solution for you.  All I can do is share my own experience.

  2. If it were me I would try to focus purely on why I have no peace of mind & fix that, rather than what others may or not be thinking about you.

    Think positives, not negatives and you should soon be able to re-establish your direction.

    Best wishes. UK

  3. It may be because most people can handle stress better than you. They can not relate because they don't like talking about it.

  4. It's only because of your nose

  5. talking about stress anoys people. trust me. second - i know your type. think about the smaller parts of a big thing. dont just look at the whole thing and freak out. take it bit by bit. also have good time management skills and be efficient when you work, set deadlines for yourself, breaks n that stuff. also, dont work on one thing for ten minutes then on another thing for ten minutes... work on one thing systematically. when you see your workload taking less time, its all better. also if its all really that bad, get a masseuse.

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