
Why do people keep old lotto tickets?

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  1. I was thinking it was a good luck ritual to toss the whole wad in a parking lot, because that is usually where I see them.

  2. I'm not sure whether theyre kept intentionly, but it may be to remember their numbers, or more importantly, just incase they win. Theres no loss in keeping them and not winning, but you wait until you've won the lotto Grand Jackpot or thunderball, and have lost the ticket.


  3. I know someone who saves lottery tickets. It is to see how much they have spent and when they win money they can look at the tickets and think if they have earned more money, or if their winnings do not mount up to what they have spent.

    Some people keep them also for the sake that they have spent a lot of money on them in addition keep them like an object or a thing.

  4. I don't - what would be the point?

  5. to know which combinations not to count on :)

  6. When the UK lottery first started,someone kept their losing ticket and then,following the draw,bought another ticket with those numbers that had been drawn. He then cut both tickets in half and taped the half with the date before the draw to the half of the ticket bought after the draw with the previous week's numbers and tried to claim it as a winning ticket.

    He  got done for attempted fraud.

    Obviously not the highest IQ!

  7. because they spent a lot of money on them..

  8. I do not

    torment if an old one came up eh!!

  9. Maybe as a memory?

  10. You can actually save up and then show your accountant all your losses and get money back at the end of the year... If you lose more then 2,000 in a year on gambling you should keep all your losing tickets in a bag. Then you can claim them as a loss. It doesn't have to be accurate but they keep just in case the IRS audits them.

  11. do they?

  12. lol

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