
Why do people keep saying that Obama was a drug dealer or did cocaine? ?

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Can you show me where you got your info from I would like to read about this (credible sources only please). I have only heard about this from Y/A and nowhere else.




  1. Unsure about the drug dealer allegation (though you wonder how he payed for his drug use being a poor broke high school / college kid).  As to the cocaine / drug use, well I believe he admitted it in one of the books he wrote.

  2. I don't know about the drug dealing but he did admit to doing cocaine during his activist days.

  3. Read his biography. He admits to using crack cocaine and marijuana. He calls himself a "pothead" and a "junkie". Funny that the media never pressed this issue but will attack Palin for simply having a baby isn't it? The point that so many Obama supporters haven't even heard of this fact has to make you wonder...who's telling you how to vote?

  4. Please, he has stated that in his memoir, he used cocaine & marijuana in his late teens many years ago.  Back around the time that Palin's husband got a DUI (when he was in his young 20's two decades ago).  No one is making a big deal about the cocaine though.

  5. he's black...DUHHH

  6. In his memoirs, he explains that he did drugs enthusiastically.  Google it.

  7. Bush took drugs too and got away......

    Why Bush Left Texas

    Growing evidence suggests that George W. Bush abruptly left his Texas Air National Guard unit in 1972 for substantive reasons pertaining to his inability to continue piloting a fighter jet.

  8. Google it or read his memoir

  9. I believe Obama himself said he did coke, as well as pot, in one of his books.

  10. Because they're idiots :)

  11. maybe he got them from Cindy McCain.  She's an admitted pill-popper.

  12. As an adult Obama admitted that during high school he used marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol, which he described at the Saddleback Church Civil Forum on the Presidency as his greatest moral failure.

  13. I'm not sure about the drug dealer part, but he admitted he had tried cocaine a long time that's probably why they say he did cocaine.

  14. uhm ok obama is black and thats where most of the rumors and controversies come from, people expect the worst from him  he s not a drug dealer and as far as coke goes im preety sure he hasnt dne thaat  either nobody wants to believe a black man can run the country.

    Vote for obamaaaaa!!!!

  15. Wow. This is the first time I heard this, but this does not change my opinion that Obama should win.

  16. umm have you read his book he admitted to doing drugs all the time being so high he never went to class...cmon get off that man already  

  17. read his book he was a big time doper when he was young and might still be?

  18. because there are trolls on yahoo who spread lies about Obama cause they don't have anything better to do

  19. Here you go:

    EDIT:  You are correct, EVERYONE has skeletons in their closet so why don't we all grow the h**l up and start talking about real issues?!?

  20. He admitted that he did drugs when he was young. I think you should take into perspective that cocaine back then was a very common social drug (alot more common than today).

    It's also worth nothing that GW Bush in an admitted cocaine addict and a reformed alcoholic.

    They both admit they were a little wild in their younger days :)

  21. Obama has openly admitted to trying drugs in his youth...but there is no prrof that he ever dealt drugs.

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