
Why do people keep saying the media is attacking Palin's family?

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I have only heard her being discussed and sometimes criticized, not her family.

Can you give a link or a source?




  1. Palin's 'abstinence only' philosophy backfired on her.

  2. Her family isnt being criticized. Reporting that her underage daughter is knocked up is not attacking her - its fact.  And it does matter.  Just like it mattered when the Republicans were saying that had tape of Michelle Obama saying "whitey". Just like it mattered when the nationality adn religion of Obama's father was pointed out.   Just as it mattered to those who accused Obama of condemning his white grandmother for being afraid of black men.  

    If you are going to run on moral values, you have to answer questions about your personal life - which includes your family.  Its that simple.  THose complaining about attacks are being punks - another national problem that makes us weak today.  

  3. They want to create sypathy for her


    her nomination isn't doing what the old fool thought it would

    getting Hillary's voters

  4. Because they are. Have you been living under a rock?

  5. s***s&drunks  

  6. you must be blind and deaf. First they where saying her baby wasn't hers it was the daughters and she covered it up. Then they said she was selfish for bringing a down syndrome baby that has special needs in the world.


  7. Just a few days ago, numerous media sources were suggesting that Bristol was Trig's mother and that he was being passed off as her brother to make the family look better.  I think that spreading rumors about a young girl and a Down's Syndrome baby constitute attack.  The media should know better.  Now that we know Bristol is pregnant (therefore Trig is NOT her son), they are switching to criticism.

  8. They are sensitive because their leader messed up badly. Hilary said "if you can't take the heat, get out" I can't see her dealing with Puttin or Chavez

  9. Uh, how about her daughter, who has been raked through the coals?  Or her son with downs syndrome, or her husbande being arrested for DUI when he was 22.....

  10. Because they are focusing on her family instead of any real issues.

    If you did not notice the hypocrisy - then there is no hope for you.

  11. Her family isn't being attacked, she is. A very BIG Difference

  12. Republicans will say YES she is...

    Democrats will say NO she isn't...

    It all depends on the TV station reporting. Those who are against her and McCain will pick her apart..

  13. Yes, turn on your TV.

  14. Please turn on the news!

    NPR, CNN, NBC, CBS, etc are all pro-Obama.

    I am tired of being manipulated.

    I have already decided who I will vote for and have turned off the mainstream news.

    VOTE FOR THE HERO.. not the....

  15. First.come out from under your rock.

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