
Why do people keep telling me to take a cruise???

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I'm going on my honeymoon and I'm dead set on Bermuda, but people keep telling me that I should take a cruise instead. Are they really that great? Do you not think that it would be better to go somewhere less common and crowded where I can stay in one place? I also get very motion sick, so to me Bermuda sounds like the better idea. I'm looking forward to pink beaches and a really nice all inclusive resort. What do you think?




  1. Definitely pick the all-inclusive Bermuda trip. I've never understood the hype surrounding cruise travel, either. Then again, I've never been on a cruise, but they don't seem that appealing to me. My boyfriend, however, has been on several cruises and loves them; he claims that you don't feel limited to what you can do, but I don't know if I agree with him. I'd rather be at a resort with the freedom to do what I want.

  2. If you get motion sick then perhaps a cruise is not for you. But if you ever feel that you can handle the motion, I suggest you take a cruise. It's hard to really describe the enjoyment, but they are fun.

  3. I think you're absolutely right. If you go on the cruise you'll be ill, surrounded by idiots who are only interested in stuffing their faces, not to mention kids of all descriptions, with only a crappy cramped cabin to lie down in with your lover and make sweet honeymoon love. I can't think of a worse idea for a honeymoon. Bermuda on the other hand is beautiful, and if you go to a good resort, tranquil, romantic and relaxing.

  4. It all depends on you as their are cruises to Bermuda and the ship has stablizers so the ship doesnt rock as much but occassionally you will feel the ship move, and NCL has a wonderful Bermuda cruise and they are about the same price as going on your own and staying the duration of your trip in an all inclusive resort, and some may even be cheaper, NCL goes to all the islands in Bermuda as some only go to 1 or 2 islands instead of all three, and the cruises to Bermuda as just about the same, and on a cruise everything is there and you can spend as much time as you want in your room or out and about on excursions and other things and they are really about the same price if you figure the cost of food, transportation, airfare, hotel rooms, and everything. Good luck in choosing.

  5. honey if your old enough to get married then you should know how you and your new husband want to spend your honey moon its your call . oh by the way congrats. on your wedding .good luck

  6. For the most part ships are so smooth you can't feel them moving.  I usually have to look out the window to see if we're moving.  But I can appreciate you wanting to stay in one place.

    If you are going to Bermuda in the summer and staying in an all-inclusive resort then you should have a great time and a wonderful honeymoon.  I'm not really familiar with any all-inclusive resorts in Bermuda and I hope you are not confusing Bermuda with the Bahamas.

    If you are going in the spring or fall its going to be chilly.  Take a look at where Bermuda is on the map - its not in the Caribbean - it more off the coast of the Carolinas - so its not warm year round.

    The cost of living is high in Bermuda so food, hotels, etc. are pricey.  Most people take a cruise to Bermuda (usually out of NYC) and the cruise ship sails to Bermuda, sits in port a few days so you can use the ship as your hotel, and then returns to NYC.

    Hope this info is helpful.

  7. You go where ever you want to go for you honeymoon.  I chose a cruise for my honeymoon because I wanted to go to the islands that the cruise ship was going to.  It was great, however, you are constantly on the go.  When you get to port you want to get off the ship early enough to sight see AND get back in enough time.  But you really don't have time to relax if you are going to an island that you really want to see.  The only time you really get a chance to relax is on the days when you are at sea.  However...if you want time alone with your new hubby, to be romantic and enjoy each others company, don't go on a cruise.  There is always someone around.

  8. Stick to your guns about the cruise although you might consider investigating other Caribbean islands.

    Frankly, the typical Caribbean cruise is for the unimaginative, unadventurous, and unsophisticated mass market.

    Cruses like this have second rate floor shows, mediocre food that substitutes quantity for quality, ludicrous and "shore excursions" that emphasize buying embarrassingly stupid souvenirs.

    Although the ships look huge they pack the passengers in like sardines. That is why you have the sorts of outbreaks of contagious diseases on cruise ships that are so frequently reported..

    In short, they  are tacky, tasteless, floating versions of Las Vegas and Branson.

    P.S. If you want a honeymoon you'll really remember go to Paris instead.

  9. I love cruising, I think it is fantastic. But, it is not for everyone and it is not for every situation.

    I think that based on what you are saying, Bermuda would be the better choice. The benefit of a cruise is that you get to see more ports, be on the water, fantastic service, etc. But, you also don't get to spend much time at the ports before you have to get onboard.

    If you feel that Bermuda is really what you want to do, then I would say go for the all inclusive. Basically all inclusive resorts are the same things as a cruise, except you aren't on the water. Depending on where you will be staying, the service may not be as good as on a cruise, the food may not be as good, etc. But if you do the research you will be able to find some really nice places. Just be sure that Bermuda is something that sounds like it is what you want. The benefit of a cruise is that if you don't like the port, you will be leaving soon, if you do all-inclusive you stay there the whole time.

    Again, both are really great options, but since it sounds like you really want to spend your honeymoon in Bermuda, I think I would go all inclusive. Besides, this is your special time, so no one can tell you what to do, it is really only the choice of you and your significant other.


  10. Cruises are awesome but it's your honeymoon, your choice.  There's plenty of privacy on cruises.  If you go to a resort you are still going to spend time with strangers around you.  Up to you!  Don't worry about getting sea sick, you can take dramamine, use a patch, there are many options out there for it.

  11. well, if it is your honeymoon, my guess is that it really won't matter where you go. If you do things right, you will spend most of your time in bed.

  12. Cruises are a ton of fun, but I am with you in that I don't think it's the best for your honeymoon. We have done both the All-Inclusive thing and the cruise thing. We have been married for 3 years, so being on aboat doesn't really bother us anymore, but I think if we had been just married I would have been more sensitive to my surroundings. Also, if you get motion sick, why take a chance on puking during your honeymoon? And, if you like to drink, the all-inclusive will be a lot cheaper in the long run, because the alcohol is how the cruise ships make money. Stick to your guns and don't let other people try to make your decisions for you! Ultimately, you're the one who has to live with the decision, and your honeymoon is too big of a trip to regret!!!!

  13. Even though I have been on Carnival 3x and choose never to use them again I have NOT given up on crusies!  I am an avid traveler and I am hooked on cruises.  I would do one every year if I had the time!  They are wonderful and if money is an issue and you have to budget your vacations its the only vacation that you can go on and actually not have to spend a dime once you pay and have factored in the tips which can be done a head of time and paid the first day on board.  You can truly have a balst and not spend a penny more.... I mean were else besides a cruise  you can pay...get 3 square meals, snacks if you need, access to all sorts of facilities, tour each port by foot, see las vegas style shows, comedy shows, window shop the mall area all in one!

  14. there are pirates in bermuda...theyll get you....just take the cruise.

  15. I went to Bermuda on my honeymoon way back when.  We stayed at the Bermudiana Hotel (doesn't exist anymore).  We have since been back to Bermuda a dozen times.  Several times we stayed at hotels (i.e. Belmont - doesn't exist) and other times we went on a cruise.  A cruise ship is a floating hotel or base of operations.  You get all your meals and all your entertainment in the price.  When we went to Bermuda we had to pay for shows, etc.  

    We cruise four times a year so I can honestly say they are great.  We don't get seasick because we have gone so often that we don't notice the motion anymore.

    It's your honeymoon and you have to decide what you want to do.  I would take tours via taxi to St. George, the Wharf, Hamilton.  you can also take the ferry to these towns or take a sightseeing bus trip.  We met some wonderful people on the bus and have been friends for 39 years!

    I loved the glass bottom boat two years ago, and I also love the aquarium.  Just because you are on your honeymoon doesn't mean you can't visit attractions besides horseshoe bay!  Be careful of suns rays -- I got sun poisoning my first time there in the 60's.  

    whatever you do have fun and take advantage of all the island has to offer.  Congratulations!

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