
Why do people lie about their age? and who does that more women or men?

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Why do people lie about their age? and who does that more women or men?




  1. i think because they didn't want to accept the fact that they are gettng older or they want to think that they are still young

    they may think that life is runing through their hands

    and i think that women may lie about their age more than men

  2. People make judgments about you based on your age.  I look about 15 years younger than my chronological age, and when I tell people how old I am I can see the shift of attitude toward me in their eyes.

  3. I never really met anyone who does, But I think they want to seem younger

  4. so someone else will like them more. and id probably say women do it more because its easier for them to pull it off sometimes lol

  5. What wrong with the age i dunno !!

    Women lie about their age to feel younger not to look younger.

    My last birthday i wrote under my nick (Am 28 now) and one of our friends here sent me and said "r u crazy ya eman? fi wa7da te2ol senaha el 7a2e2y?"

    Why should i hide it?!!!!!!!!!!!

    About men : do they lie about their age? why? Their amount of hair or its colour will give us the range of their age :D

    U got me, right? sa7 ""??""

  6. women lie about their age way more than men do, that's if men ever do...

    but why? I asked this question to other women before and they said when u are an older lady u will understand why. However, I don't think I will ever lie about my age no matter how old I am, but I noticed most women start to lie abt their age when they hit 40 cuz they want ppl to think that theyre younger. A lot of women also believe in "never ask a woman her age" well, I just think they're silly.

  7. I never lie about my age.

    I am 21.

  8. In America, I have found that men are in the majority when it comes to being liars about their age. In addition,this to be true with both sides of the age spectrum--older dudes saying their much younger, and sometimes younger men saying they are a few years older. The  answer as to why they do this is  simple- it's an ego thing.

    It would also be important to note that the individuals fabricating these stories are always chasing the opposite of what they can get ( ie.,older guys chasing a younger woman, and vice versa )

  9. i dunno but i never lied about my age

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