
Why do people like Obama just because he is African American?

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I hear a lot that people like Obama just because he is african american. I am not racist. I am just saying that skin color should not have to do with anything about becoming the president. It should be who's the better man for the job. SOME people just want change and want someone to become the first african american president. Yeah that's cool and all. But I bet a lot of people are going to vote for Obama just because he is african american. I think McCain is the better man for the job in my personal oppinion. I wouldn't mind having a colored president. I just dont think Obama would make a good president. To me he's like a panzie. Obama is opposing guns. While McCain is pro 2nd amendment. I am republican so those are my general Ideas.




  1. hate questions like this, its dumb, usually by someone who isn't black


  3. Definitely TROLL .

    & people don't just like Obama because he is African American ..

    If that were the case, he would have all the whites votes as well, considering he is part white. Now, don't get me wrong .. people may DISLIKE him because he is part african american, but you know what ? What can you do .. it is sad to say, but there will always be racist people out there .

    people like Obama because he's for change, and a better future .. and we need that.

  4. Hey friend - your use of the word "colored" highlights that you are in deed a racist - oh well.

    I'm voting for Obama, but better believe it's not because he's black.  I don't think it works that way in this country - and honestly you don't either.

  5. People who think elections are novelty shows shouldnt be allowed to vote - but it's our system, and it would be elitist to call a spade a spade...Fact is a large number will vote for him 'cause he's black - want the raw numbers? - roughly half of what he won in the primaries!!!  

  6. thats not true, he has it harder because hes part black. obama is the better man for the job nonetheless. you say your not racist but only racist people use the word "colored" thats disrespectful and degrading and everyone of all nationalities should be offended by that. if you heard his speech you would no that he is not opposing guns to all americans, he is opposing guns to those with felonies which is right, ppl who have killed ppl shouldnt have guns. your a republican so your general ideas are ignorant.

  7. I don't care about skin color. I dislike Marxists.

    It's a policy issue for me, but some people really think it's important to prove that we're not racists, so we are expected to vote for him, or we will be accused of being racists.

    Personally, Walter E. Williams would make a better president than either Obama or McCain. He's very handsome for his age, and well tanned, and he's smarter. And so is Mr. Snerdley.

  8. I believe a lot of my people are going to vote for him because he is African American. I'm not because I'm a conservative and nothing Obama has said in any of his speeches speaks to my conservative mindset. He reinforces my people's victim mentality which makes me angry beyond words. Obama did NOTHING for Illinois as a representative. Absolutely NOTHING! If the man didn't have brown skin, all these liberal syncophants wouldn't give him the time of day.

  9. We have had other AA candidates who did not win, nor did they carry 92% of black people. Jesse Jackson and Alan Keyes Lost b/c white and black people didn't agree with their platforms, ideas, and policies. Obama may be popular with black people...but they would NOT vote for him if they didn't agree with his policy decisions and ideas/goals for the country.

    Obama supports the 2nd the way.

  10. You can't say that you aren't 100% racist because you have used the phrase "colored".

    I think people like him because of the message of change not race.

  11. Most people didn't choose Obama for his race or Clinton for her gender.  The supported their candidates based on their position on the issues.  Clinton and Obama shared virtually the same position on about 99% of the issues.  McCain supported Bush on 90% of the issues so vote for McCain is a vote for continuing the failed polices of the Bush administration.  If someone wants to continue an illegal war, continue ruining our economy, continue shipping jobs overseas, throwing money at the corporations instead of the people, the by all means they should vote for McCain.  I, however, think it's time to vote for the people so I'll be casting my vote for Obama.

  12. Think it's the other way around.

    Other African-American people like him not because he is the same race as them but because they want CHANGE and they want FAIR TREATMENT AND FAIR IMMIGRATION rules.

    But some OTHERS DON'T like him because he is BLACK. Now that's a bit racist (tho not fully).

    Oh and Obama DOESN'T oppose guns, he just DOESN'T WANNA USE IT WHEN IT'S KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE (cough*Bush*cough)

  13. yes some people will vote for him because he is black and we all know who that some people are.I'm really dissapointed that so many have chosen to endorse and vote for a black supremacist .I feel that i just don't want to care anymore .Get on people's cases now for being racist jerks, you have shown your true colors.No more special treatment.

  14. People don't like him because he is African American.  They like him because he is dynamic, intelligent, a proven leader, and is right on almost every issue.  In fact, I believe he would be ahead by 20 to 30 points if he wasn't Black.

  15. I also oppose guns.

  16. I don't like Obama because he's black.  I like him because he's intelligent.  When Bill Clinton was running in 1992, the Republicans said that he was too young and inexperienced to be President.  In retrospect, I think he did a pretty good job.  

    In regard to gun ownership, there's only so much Obama can do.  The Supreme Court has the job of interpreting the Constitution.  And it's the Supreme Court that ultimately decides what our gun rights are.  

  17. "Colored" is a racist term, and Obama is for protecting second amendment rights. I hope you're better educated by November.

  18. I'm all for a black president, but Colin Powell is not running or Bill Cosby. You are right about people voting for him just because he's black. I am very  concerned on his issues about our energy plan for all Americans to inflate their tires and get a tune-up. He also thinks that Iran is NOT a threat. Where has he been the last 29 years? O I forgot he's only been in office 140 days in the Senate.

    We have some serious issues in this country and he can't even talk about those in his speech. Yes everyone watched it. I did and came away with NOTHING! What did he say? hmmm.

  19. Is this a truly deep observation?

    The answer- because of preference. Maybe because he is similar to them.  One will pick out the one who looks closer to your features.

    This applies both ways .Like and dislike.

  20. If people do anything in this country it will be vote against him because he is "African American", just like they voted against Hillary because she was a woman. There are plenty of red-necks to go around who normally have single digit IQ's!

    What befuddles me is that Obama isn't African American! He is 1/2 white and was raised white by his parent and grandparents! He is as white as he is black. And he has a very white education! I suspect he knows more about whites than he does blacks!

  21. Did you listen to his convention speech? If you do, you won't need to ask this question again.

  22. He said in his speech.

    He was alright with guns. But not AK 47's for criminals on the street to use.

    That isn't against guns. It's common sense.

  23. it's like saying why do ignorant people continue to vote for conservatives?

    cantuljajkldfjldj.... you racist ****.... how can you be raised white?... you are probably part of the redneck clan with the single digit iq... perfect... it will make winning the election 234523542 times easier. ahaaha

    go to school you pig... and teach your conservatives to be just as smart as you.  Conserves love to make up quotes... Obama has been in office for over 3 years... ignorant conservatives making up facts.

    I hope a moose from Alaska jumps in front of your car

  24. This is the point.. People DONT like him BECAUSE he's African-American.

    People like him because of his policies. The fact that he is HALF African-American is just who he is. It only matters to people like you.

  25. yeah crab...cause sarah wasn't a gender card ploy...whatever.

  26. playing the race card is all this empty suit mastered, a 20-year POW (Prisoner-of-Wright) with thin resume.

    He can't even be compared to SARAH PALIN who has executive experience, political will and intelligent.  

  27. AMEN to that. But the Obama-nation will not agree. No matter what you say so...just know that for all they nay-sayer-Obama supporters, I will cancel out at least your vote, and I know someone for every single one of your friends that will cancel their votes. My grandmother is black, but I REFUSE to vote for someone just because he is black.  

  28. Yeah, alot of people are voting for him because he's black and alot of people are voting for him because they want change! I'm white and I want change and that's all.

  29. Isn't it funny that the question is put like that? Since Obama is the leader you ask why people LIKE him because he is black when the question for centuries was why do people HATE blacks because of their color! You say you are not a racist but, you let slip a little bitty "tell-tale" - the language now days is "black" or African-American", not "colored" which is straight from Old Dixie!  

    btw, I am voting for Obama because I am 100% convinced he is the man I want leading the country I have served and loved for all of my 66 years living in it as a priviledged white anglo-saxon male!

    btw#2  - The NRA as a reference for the "truth" about Obama?

  30. Obama is a black version of Kerry who ran for president in 04. Hopefully he'll be just as unsuccessful. Of course if Obama loses it will be blamed on white racism. As if 9 out of 10 blacks supporting Obama meant they were voting their conscience and not their skin color. Granted, American blacks are heavily Democrat party supporters, but there's enough racism to go around to prevent blacks and high-minded,white liberals from playing the race card at the end should Obama lose.

  31. Being African American has nothing to do with people liking him but it may have a lot to do with people who don't.

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