
Why do people like Soccer?

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For 2-8 times a game, someone scores, and other than that, they just chase around a little ball. At least in basketball they score a lot, in baseball, there are hits, outs, in football, there are completions, interceptions, so much. I found myself watching soccer the other day, and I couldn't imagine how boring it would be to watch that everyday.




  1. To like soccer, you have to have a clear understanding of the game. It's NOT 24 guys on a field aimlessy kicking a ball around a field. It takes consistancy, and hardwork to get a goal which are not easy to get. It takes the entire team working together, passing the ball and consistantly making good passes, and then a sucessful finish. Aiming a ball in a tiny corner with your foot, without the goalie getting it takes TONS of technique, while running the entire game. (6-8 miles). Some people don't understand all that, but.. whatever floats your boat! It's the most popular sport worldwide!

  2. a majority of the world likes it, I love football, watching the NFL and college, but then I watched a France vs. England friendly last spring then a Newcastle vs. Man U game and I've been hooked since

  3. Well in Football all you do is call out numbers and then 5 seconds later they repeat the process all over again,so their is no fun in watching that.

  4. It's called football and it isn't boring at all.   Some of the greatest sportsmen in the world have played  

  5. Maybe because it the best sport in the world and everyone plays it

    Who like to wear so much protection in football it only slows u down

    In basketball u barely touch them and its a foul

    If u dont like soccer then u dont have to watch

    Who plays football only USA what a bunch of bull S**t its

    boring and they stop every 6 seconds

  6. Why do people like golf? Why do people like blood sausage? Why do people like hatchbacks? It's a mystery.

  7. Soccer is an amazing sport. Its always a challenge that requires 100% hard work!  

  8. it might not be fun to watch but it is a tons of fun to play. and maybe you should try before not liking it. and it's not easy to play i mean when your little sure but at a higher level it's not. It takes 100 percent of you energy and hard work it also takes a lot of endurance to have to run for like 2 hours straight. I mean for me i rather play the sport rather than watch any sport on tv or anywhere else.. for the most part. and i like soccer cause... idk just cause it's really fun and since i use my hands in v-ball a lot it's just a different pace for me. lol but i hoped i help a tad.

  9. I wonder why someone who does not like futbol is in this section in the first place? But anyways look the whole world or 95% of it loves futbol, I live on earth so does everyone else I hope. It is a true world championship, Unlike National Fatball League and Major Lazy Ball. Let's not forget National Bitchass Association! None of the turds in those leauges could run for 45 minutes without puking their guts out!

  10. Watching and playing are two different things when it comes to soccer. To really appreciate the the game you have to learn how to play and become a good player, which can take 4 years if you play year round. Mentally its like chess with no or very little time to think, physically....theirs no comparison, because running wise, its the hardest sport.

  11. I could ask the same question about American sports.

    Without going into details I will just say that many of us find sports like baseball, basketball and American gridiron (football) about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  12. If you don't like it don't watch. I wondered the same thing about baseball, how can anyone watch that game most of the time the players swing and miss, when they do hit most of the time the opposite get the ball back before the player can get to first base so they're out. I thought it was the most boring game in the world until my friends at work sort of explained to me the rules better and took me a live ball game and I actually liked it, he told me the team to watch and the players that were fun to watch. I think you need to do the same about soccer and have someone explain to you the game and what team to watch, for instance if you watch a game from the French league you might think soccer sucks but if you watch Brazil on top on their games it's the greatest show on earth. It really depends on the importance of the event sometimes during finals players don't want to makes mistakes and open themselves for counter attacks and might play defensively or should I say tacticle defense and it ends up being a boring game other time you get an early goal so the opposite team is forced to attack and that makes for an entertaining game. It all depends!

  13. because it is easy to play

  14. I agree soccer (called footbal in UK) sucks ***. I can watch just about anything else but soccer. I dont mind basketball. I love athletics, strongman, tennis, even swimming compared to soccer!

  15. The reason is because soccer is a sport of art. There are tricks, beautiful finishing, and fantastic saves. In football, you just get the ball with your hands and try to get it on the other side of the field. You score too much in basketball, and a baseball game can go forever if there isn't three outs soon.

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