
Why do people like cats as pets?

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They're irresponsible and recognize no authority, yet are completely dependent on others for their material needs. Cats cannot be made to do anything useful. Cats are mean for the fun of it. Hey, dogs may be stupid but atleast they're unconditionally loyal and faithful, which is more then I can say for cats. The only thing they live for is to sit around, scratch up the furniture and eat until they're morbidly obese. So why exactly do people like cats in the first place?




  1. Well, it's not like I'm getting 10 points for this answer, because you're only looking for someone to agree with you, but here goes:

    Cats can be left alone for long periods during the day and not get lonesome.  

    Dogs get sad, depressed and destroy stuff when alone a lot.

    Cats purr.

    (I love purring.  I wish I could purr!)

    So what if they like to do their own thing.  They'll cuddle for the little while I want to deal with them, then they leave me alone.

    That's what I LIKE about cats.


    You can find "dog like" cats that play fetch (MINE DOES!), and do cool stuff.

    There are documented stories of cats defending homes from robbers, kept children from wandering out of the yard, kept babies from suffocating in their sleep, and warning family when a house fire/gas leak would have killed them in their sleep.

    Pretty impressive for a 10 pound animal.


  2. cuz they r cute,warm and soft duhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  3. I don't know what cats you've been around, but I love mine and they all show me they love me daily!!!!! right now I have 2 on my lap 1 on the back of my neck 2 on the back of the sofa and 2 next to me, they are smart, warm, loving, My cats are all trained, 4 of my cats will use the toilet, the others a litter box, I find it very offensive that you had a rant on cats, I sure the reason your brothers cat bites you is because you are a JERK

  4. Some cats are some of the things that you describe but others are loyal, protective, playful, and expressive.  Most cats are soft to the touch and have a soothing purr that has a proven therapeutic effect on people with high blood pressure.  Individuals that are recovering from strokes or other massive injuries have been shown to have a more positive and rapid outcome during their recovery periods.  Dogs are great too, but the species are different, as are the individuals within that species.  

  5. uh you are a true dumbass.  you can't base one cats actions on all cats.

    cats can be TRAINED you know

    EDIT:  if you aren't illiterate, you should research ALL the HEALTH benefits cats have on their owners, from lowering stress levels and lowering blood pressure.  You shouldn't come on here whining about c**p until you research.

    EDIT:  and your brother's cat probably scratches you because he is protecting his owner.  Cats are like dogs, they get jealous and protective when someone goes near their owner.

    EDIT:  basing the actions of one cat is like saying all humans like p**n.  Not everyone is the same, as with cats.

  6. I like cats because they are independent (what you refer to as irresponsible).  I have never met a cat that wasn't soft or cute (even the hairless ones are cute).  They keep things interesting.  You always have to be one step ahead of them.  They don't have to be walked outside to p**p and pee at all hours of the night, but you can walk them if you get them to enjoy the leash.

    This is not to say I don't like dogs though.  Many dogs are highly intelligent.  The reason you hear about troublesome dogs such as shelties getting into everything is because they are like the gifted child in class who gets into trouble because the classes aren't challenging them enough.  They are simply bored.  Cats can be as loyal as dogs though.  Otherwise, my cat would care less if I'm in the bathroom taking a dump.  (Why DO cats do that?)

    Do I know if my cat even cares for me as a person?  Yes.  I know they do.  They wouldn't hop up on my lap or climb on my bed when I'm laying down sick or, with my most recent cat, come up to my face and l**k it with his rough tongue that was l*****g the gods know what 5 minutes before.

    How have we benefited by having cats as pets?  My stress level from work and school could be so much higher if I didn't have the cat to pet and talk to and take care of.

    Your brother's cat bites you because he is playing.  You, or rather your brother, needs to teach him how not to play bite.  He also may know that you hate him, so he bites you to make you get away from him.  Why should he let you pet him?  Have you pushed him around because he was in your way?  That may contribute to his behavior.

  7. My cat is the $hit! My cat is very loyal, protective and smart. Cats are independent creatures, they are sometimes playful and sometimes have a tendency to isolate themselves.  My cat is amazing, you would probably change your opinion of cats.  

    I think you are JEALOUS of the life that cats lead.  

    I know my cat loves me and my family.  She loves to sit by me, sleeps at the foot of my bed and never leaves the house.  She also plays with a toddler son, who attacks her, sits on her, picks her up and loves on her; all the while she takes it and licks his head and loves him unconditionally.  

    - relaxing

    - they suck up the stress

    - they are awesome

    - they are amazing creatures

    - they are independent for the food and restroom, of trained properly

    it's the connection between the cat and owner -- they become part of the family

  8. cuuuuuuz, they're quiet,independent,annnnnnnd sooooooooo cute =3

    p.s your lil' brother's cat probably hates you cuz you hate it.

  9. god ur stupid. just cause *u* dont like cats doesnt mean that they r bad pets. i happen 2 hav owned 4 cats and they were like my friends. i would come home 2 find them greeting me at the door. so u know wat i think ur dead wrong!!!

  10. I have a hard time understanding why people DON'T like cats! I love cats because they are independent. I have a busy schedule at times and I live by myself. Unlike dogs, cats do not have to be let outside to use the bathroom. There are some days where it would be impossible for me to come home cuz I work two jobs during the summer when I'm not in college. Also I don't have to worry about my cat being stinky because they keep themselves clean unlike dogs.  I do not like dogs because they are noisy and bark a lot. They drool and l**k you and shred up anything in sight. Cats can be trained to use a scratching post. Mine does because I have trained her to do that so my furniture doesn't get torn up. Also I trained my cat to stay off the counters and tables. The only places she sleeps are the chair and in bed with me. But cats can be trained to do tricks and stuff like dogs do. My friends cat can open doors and turn on and off lights. My friend actually at night can say "Puzzle light's out" and she points to the switch and the cat runs over and shuts it off. It's hilarious. She does this everynight. That cat is amazing. He also plays fetch too.

    Cats can be very affectionate and loyal and they do recognize authority. My cat knows that I am her owner. It's nice coming home from a hard days work and finding my cute snuggly baby waiting for me. She always jumps into my arms and purrs when I come home. My cat is not mean. She does not bite or claw and she's very good with children.  Sure cats are laidback but I like that. I cannot handle how hyper dogs get. It gets on my nerves. Plus dogs are always sniffing your privates and putting their head in your lap and begging for food. I HATE THAT. You don't have to worry about that with cats. Also my cat is not morbidly obese. I feed her twice a day and sometimes she gets treats. She is very healthy and I take great care of her. She's the best companion and cats are small enough to cradle like a baby and snuggle.  Dogs aren't really snuggly at all. Especially those little kick dogs that yip all day and when you try to hold them are stiff as a rock.

    Since I have had my cat I have noticed that I have been happier and less lonesome. Every day my cat does something cute that makes me smile or something funny that i laugh to tears about. It's great. So there ya go.....I've given you plenty of reasons why people like cats as pets.

  11. Yes, dogs are certainly stupid. You can kick and beat a dog and a short time later it will come over and l**k you. Cats are much more sophisticated and you must earn their trust.

    Cats are not useless. Recent research just proved that those who own cats live longer and have less stress in their lives. Cats are not mean for the fun of it. Since they are not stupid like dogs, they can actually sense what humans are feeling about them. Your brothers cat knows you don't like it and it doesn't trust you. I had dogs all my life and loved them - didn't care so much for cats. Got a cat years ago to control mice and it still didn't impress me. Then a friend dumped a cat off because they were moving. I didn't want it and was looking for a home for her. But within days, I was amazed at how smart and gentle and kind she was. Before long, we bonded to each other. She was an incredible cat. Now, when I look at dogs, I only see a noisy obnoxious animal, but when I see a cat, I am memorized at their grace, beauty and intelligence.  

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