
Why do people like fresh beef and non artificial stuff?

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why do people like fresh beef and non artificial stuff i mean i think it tastes better???




  1. IDK

  2. because it is far more healthyer / see your body as a plant or a car if you trow rubbish in it it wont grow or wont drive  so the healthyer  you eat the better you perform

  3. b/c its healthier

  4. Hmm, fresh meat, which is good for you, or artificial c**p that has so many preservatives and man-made garbage in it that it shouldn't even be considered food.

    Tough decision.

  5. Because every ones taste varies? Shock horror!

    Edit: It was still an answer. And you meant Sarcasm :)

  6. What do you mean by "artificial"?

  7. Well because........

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  8. It's a matter of opinion! I like it fresh because I'm thinking "Haha you got owned you stupid animal, I'm superior and I'm eating you! BOOOOOM head shot!". But that's just me.

  9. i don't eat red meat so i don't like either of them

    but people who do eat cows probably like it better fresh bcuz its healthier and tastier and... fresher

  10. because fresh and natural stuff is way healthier

  11. fresh beef is more tender, and tastes better. artificial stuff usually isn't as good for ones body, with additives etc...but then on the other hand the amount of pestacides used these days means the diffrence isn't as big.  

  12. in general, these things taste better. don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. you'll see what i mean.

  13. I'm not too sure what you mean by "fresh". I have a beef butchered and processed and quick frozen so I don't have to can or dry it. That is a heap of hard work to preserve the animal.

    Fresh always has a better flavor, even if it is quick frozen it is still fresh. It has better retention of vitamins and minerals too than what is canned or dried.

    Non artificial stuff is best as the artificial is all chemical junk and probably not good for you.

  14. who knows????

  15. real beff has more vitamins and protein and it taste better

  16. it is healthyier

    and it helps lower colesteral

    i think mcdonalds sells artificial meat

  17. life's too short to eat fake beef, drink bad wine or sit through the ice follies.  

  18. tastes nice??!!Just maybe...

  19. It's like asking why do some people like red more than blue?  It's a matter of personal taste.  There's nothing wrong with preferring one color over the other or preferring real beef over the imitation or visa versa.

    I personally much prefer real beef to the imitation stuff made with soy.  The way I look at it, if so many people didn't like the taste of real beef, the companies would never go to the trouble of trying to imitate it.

  20. do you wanna eat chemicals :3

    guy above me:

    ask it in a prroper questionnot on another question you pansy >:(

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