
Why do people like golf?

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It's so boring! I'm white myself but it seems too many white people play it. personally i like diversity




  1. what you say IS true.

    i mean, the only african-american player on the PGA Tour is Tiger Woods.

    And there are no current black players on the LPGA Tour.

    I find it really weird.

    And it seems like South Koreans are taking over the world.

    YOU asking that question is like ME asking "why do so many ppl like Lord Of The Rings? It's so boring!"

    To each his own.

  2. It's a game that is calming when you learn it. I also think it's a really good stress reliever.

    Yeah, it may seem slow, but it's difficult.

  3. 1st of all, you are racist. Why does ethnicity matter at all? Should I quit playing a sport I love just because I'm white and there are lots of other white people who play? Absolutely not, if you think that even 1 person should quit the game because of their skin color, or if you believe that 1 person should take it up (despite having no interest) just to fulfill some quota of diversity with their ethnicity, then you are racist. If you think that ANY decision should EVER be made or influenced in any way based on race, then you are a racist. A truly diverse person would never even notice a person's ethnicity or a group's ethnicity.

    2nd. Nobody says you have to like the sport. I think soccer is boring, so I don't play or watch soccer. But as a sports fan, I understand the appeal of competitive or recreational athletic events, so I understand how others can enjoy a sport I don't personally enjoy. Why do other people's preferences even matter to you? Find hobbies or sports that you enjoy and go enjoy them. Let others enjoy what they enjoy. To each his own!

  4. i have to ask u this what sport can u be a teen ager and win money? golf u can but no other sport u can, and does it have to be diverse black people can play golf just as good as us but they don't want to its not anybodies fault exept theirs. what sport can u hit a ball at someone and hit them but if u say FORE its all good. golf. i play golf and yes its sometimes boring but its also very fun when u learn to play the sport.

  5. Would it help your opinion if they played

  6. well it about getting out and the out doors & birds

  7. Infantile answers usually indicate ignorance for the subject in question. Who really cares if you are white, black or indifferent. The fact : Golf is the largest participating sport in the States and for that matter include the British Isles and Australia. Whatever diversity means is immaterial. You have an opinion but you should learn the facts before spouting off.

  8. its the best feeling in the world when you make an excellent shot or a very good round

  9. Tiger woods :)

  10. Agree with you that this sport could use more diversity.  Since Tiger Woods ascended to the top of the sport, more and more people of all races are taking up the game.  Many pros have contributed to the First Tee program, which offers golf to many disadvantaged kids as a way to learn the game. You can see some inspiring stories on their commercials.  The professional golf tour contributes millions of dollars every year to local charities in the event cities in which they play.  Boring, maybe, but doing lots of good in many communities around the country.  

  11. Its hard to explain.  Golf provides a rare combination of things that no other sport has.  Golf challenges a person's concentration, focus, mechanics, and fitness.  It is a sport in which a person does not compete against other players, but against themselves, and against nature.  It is an activity that requires balance and control, because pure strength is utterly useless, unlike in other sports where strength plays a large factor.  Golf is a sport which requires self reflection, and also an understanding of one's surroundings.  The slightest mistake can ruin a game, and there really isn't much chance to make up for it.  Every course, every round, every shot is different in golf, but its always 90 feet to first, 100 yards between the endzones, 26.2 miles in a marathon.

    Besides being a sport, golf is also a symbol.  A person who understands and plays golf is one who is participating in a sport that requires respect, patience, and honor.  There are no show-offs, trash-talkers, or star players in golf.  It is a calm, upper-class sport that anyone can partake in, and in which everyone can be equalized.  Golf is open to the public in dozens of countries worldwide, and it has a handicap system which could allow a 5th grader to compete with Tiger Woods.  The ability to play and understand golf also reflects well in the business world, as it ties in with the idea of class and respect.  

    Yes, there is a downside in that golf tends to separate the financially able from the financially unable, and by placing an elitist connotation on a sport, it can create hostilities.  But for the most part, golf is a unifying sport.  It is played the same way worldwide.  There are national and international competitions.  It has a history centuries old.  And while you may be right in saying too many white people play it, take a look at some of the top players, such as Woods or Michelle Wie.

  12. Why do people that have no idea what golf is about come into this forum and trash the sport?  Do you not have better things to do with your time?  I bet you are a pretty boring person yourself.  

  13. Golf is one of the most difficult sports out there. and it is very enjoyable and challenging. And by the way ethnicity doesn't have anything to do with it. Why do you barely see any white basketball or football players? its no different. Many sports are dominated by a certain race or culture.  

  14. So many millions of people play golf and watch golf, you're probably the minority who thinks it's boring.  I am an Asian and I play golf frequently.

  15. Why do you make gross generalisations about that which you know nothing?

    Ethnicity has nothing to do with golf.  

  16. I understand where you're coming from; it's incredibly boring to watch!  I hated golf for the longest time, but last year my company paid for our entire 30+ person team to play a free 18 holes at a local course.  Teams were paired with experienced golfers giving noobs like me pointers, and I told myself that I'd keep an open mind and see if it was worth my time.

    Turns out I actually can hit the ball sometimes, and despite a bit of dehydration and a couple blisters on my hand I had a really fun time.  You don't golf to get a workout, believe me!  It's about as athletic as fishing (not the deep sea kind, either) and apparently done for the same reasons.

    So our company tournament is approaching again, and I just bought an inexpensive set of clubs to learn on. I find it interesting because there are SO many variables involved in hitting that d**n ball consistently, and I'm learning a lot about my coordination and concentration.  Clubs and balls really only matter to people that make a living playing, because 90% of the game is just in the grip, stance and swing of the club.

    It's not the super-duper, end-all thing to do that hardcore polo-shirted, love-handled golfers try to make it out to be, but it IS a fun way to spend an afternoon if your ego can handle constant rejection (d**n ball!) and you like to learn new things.  

    If you get a chance to try it, especially if it's free, go ahead and try it out.  You'll find that all golfers are VERY helpful (almost scary-fanatic) and would love to see another one out on the range.  I'll stick to my mountaineering, paintball, motorcycles and bicycles to keep the love handles off, but golf is just another pastime for me to explore.

  17. i like thats y i live in the bay area...and golf isnt every 1's thing some people like it...others dont

  18. It is a psychological dependency that mentally addicts them to wanting to be much better than they really are and then of going into obsession to make one good shot happen all the time!

    "Fore!"  "Five!"  "Six!"......

  19. Golf is one of those very rare activities (sporting or otherwise) that people can enjoy from early childhood for most of their lives.  While golf does not have the physical demands of sports like hockey, football, baseball etc.  it does require hand/eye coordination, a degree of athletic ability and is probably about the most difficult sport to master.  I have a friend who is 80 years old, still plays at least twice a week (walks the course) and shot his age at 75 years old and now can still shoot in the high 70s.  He's been playing golf for 70 years.  I'm sure that if he didn't have golf to look foward to he'd be in the boneyard by now.  He played this morning in the group ahead of me, and along with one of his regular playing partners had one of our club juniors, age 14 along with him.  I could see from behind that those two had a marvelous time together.  They walked the fairways side by side throughout the round.  I have no idea what they discussed but am sure that my friend was imparting his wisdom to the youngster who was soaking up every single word.   After the round my friend bought the young lad lunch.  The two of them just sat in the sunshine enjoying a burger and a coke.   It was no big deal, but I was touched by the sight of them together.  Golf is more than a game, it's a passion for millions.

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