
Why do people like ketchup but hate tomatoes?

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  1. Thats me

    Hate Tomatoes - Love Tomato Soup and Tomato Ketchup

    Hate Bananas - Love Banana Yoghurt, Milkshake and Banana Foam Sweets

    Hate Orange Flavoured Things: chocolate, Sauces etc - Love Oranges

    Hate Coffee Flavoured sweets - Love coffee

    Weird or am I the only human like this lol!!!

  2. Because ketchup is more sweet than tomatoes itself.

  3. i hate ketchup but like tomatoes i think theres a different flavor in it =]

  4. bcoz ketchup tastes different to tomatoes

  5. The answer I gave for oranges applies equally to this one. From whence did this "fact" emerge....!

  6. I am assuming the look is the main deal, my sis will eat ketchup but will nearly vomit when she sees chunks of tomato......wont even go there with the seeds, I even think they are gross. Tomato ketchup also has sugar added etc, tastes different...nicer.

  7. Ketchup has a thicker feel too it that a lot of people like.

    I dislike Tomatoes because the watery feel to it mixes with the taste.

    Ketchup = 1 bottle every 3 weeks

    Tomato = 1 ever year O.o,

  8. i guess cus ketchup has sugar in it? idk i like both equally.

  9. Sorry - I hate ketchup but love tomatoes

  10. I am one of these people. They are actually not the same thing. Just because it's made from it, doesn't mean I like the original source, LOL. They aren't the same product. I also don't like peanut butter, but I love snickers! Go figure...

  11. ketchup may taste sour, but it blends in with a lot of food.

    and i hate tomatoes cause they have a disgusting, strong taste.

  12. No idea but i'm the opposite, i love tomatoes but I hate ketchup...gross stuff, bring on the daddies sauce!!!!

  13. I love tomatoes and do not like Ketchup

  14. Because they taste nothing alike at all.

  15. Again, with the stupid questions.... you need to find friends with a more sophisticated palate:) .... Only children prefer ketchup to fresh tomatoes, and even my toddler grandchildren love fresh tomatoes!    

  16. I like tinned tomatoes with a fried breakfast and sliced fresh tomato on bacon butties but I'm not keen on ketchup.

  17. Because they are crazay people :P

    No, i think it has to do with the texture. Some people don't like the rubbery texture of tomatoes, but like the flavouring of it in sauces.  

  18. Because ktchup doesn't really taste anything like tomatoes.

  19. Yum, a thousand kilos of salt! I think I'm actually allergic to tomatoes, they make me feel sick when I take a weensie bite...

  20. Okay! I hate ketchup and only like tomatoes fresh from the plant.

    When I was at school, I had go to the dentist at lunchtime. The dental nurse, came from same place as me, so she always has soup heated, ready for lunch.She meant well!  It was always TOMATO SOUP, which I hate, but I was brought up to eat what was presented to the table, so I ate it. Have not touched it since and am now in my 60's

    I know my children would not eat something they do not like, no matter what the circumstances.

    Changed times  

  21. I love both, but my mom will NOT eat tomatoes.  She will eat ketchup (it was a food group when we were growing up).  It has to do with accidentally eating a green tomato out of the fridge when she was a kid.  She thought it was a plum.  She hasn't been able to handle whole tomatoes since then.  She will also eat spaghetti sauce.

  22. because ketchup is very sweet and there is added sugar compared to tomatoes which do not have extra sugar and the sweetness.  

  23. Sugar

    I can not stand Tomatoes, but LOVE Ketchup...

    Go figure!

  24. I don't really like the texture or tomatoes raw, but if they are in some type of sauce or something they are ok, I think people probably like ketchup because of the texture and the amount of sugar added to it

  25. Because ketchup is sugar with a little bit of tomato in it.

  26. ketchup has a high amount of salt and other products put into to it so it loses much of the tomato taste

    lots and lots of salt is the answer

  27. I love tomato's, tomato juice but not that keen on the ketchup. Strange don't you think.  

  28. because there is alot of sugar and sweeteners in ketchup, making ot more palatable then tomatoes, this can be enough to trick someone into liking the taste when really, what they like is the sugar/their body likes the fast fuelled energy given by the sugar which is basically empty calories- raises the blood sugar and then drops it. Your body craves it again to get the same "high" from the sugar.

  29. Becuz ketchup is not as sour for other ppl. and tomatoes are sour if you eat the ones that r not ripe.

  30. I have really no idea, it's probably just people's own specific tastes. My partner is similar he absolutely loves tomato soup but he can't stand tomatoes. Strange eh?

  31. I like ketchup and tomatoes

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