
Why do people like the Marine's better than the Army ??? Like 8 out of 10 people like marines better...?

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Marines are tougher & the army knows it.. Its common sense, Army boot camp is what 8 or 9 weeks... Marine Boot camp is 13 weeks... They teach more in the Marine Corp.. Marines are the 1st to go & the last to leave.... If you dont believe me then you need a history lesson.... Well think about this.... Who was the 1st to go into Iraq... The marines that is a fact bc I watched it on the news... Out of the army navy air force & the marines I Dont care what anybody says the us marine corp is the best there is.... Who gaurds us embassy's.. when the us president gets off air force one who is standing beside the door when he comes out.. A us Marine... The army cleans up what the marines destroy.. A Army General in Vietnam said & I quote... The only time I felt safe was when I was behind a platoon of marines.. go look up some marine quotes and look how many quotes you see that people in the army & us presidents said about marines.... even the enemy say good stuff about the marines... Everytime they seen the army they would stand there ground & fight but when they seen them devil dawgs coming they would run for there lives bc they knew the marines was the best there is.... and YOU KNOW IT TOO..... That is a FACT!!!




  1. Remember this though. The marines are all muscle and no brains. I work around marines here in Ft Sill. they do the dumbest stuff. Stuff that can get a person killed. Just because they look more hardcore on the battlefield doesnt mean anything. A marine is just a grunt with a pretty uniform. Don't get me wrong, I respect my marines brothers in arms, but sheesh, they dont have much tactical skill. We consistently beat them at tactical exercises. And I don't recall any enemy running away from the marines. The j**s sure didn't.

    The squeakiest wheal gets the oil I guess.

    Remember these battles though:


    New Orleans


    Battle of the Bulge



    Desert Storm

    Marines might be the fist ones in last ones out, but RANGERS LEAD THE WAY! HOOAH!

  2. Each service plays its role.  They are all on the same side!!

  3. As a former Marine, I'd like to thank you for the nice comments about us.

    I think each service has their time and place. More often than not, I hear 'Marines are crazy.' to which I disagree. U.S. Marines borderline on fanatical commitment to get the job done, at any cost.

    As to the "Rangers Lead The Way" comment, your list, is just stupid.

    Normandy - Rangers were such a small portion of the 160K that stormed the beach, it's hardly worth mentioning.

    Battle of the Bulge wasn't even faught by 'Rangers' nitwit.

    Bastogne is like Normady, just because a couple 'Rangers' were there, does not give you the right to claim fame to it.

    Mogadishu - Marines went in on Dec 4 1992, Rangers didn't arrive until June 8 1993.

    Desert Storm Yeah...Okay! Wake Up.

    Whoever that 'Ranger' needs to pick up a history book and read it. I know it'll be hard, not done in crayon, but you'll manage.

  4. Could you tone it down? Your "flattery" is actually becoming insulting. Marines also know how to spell, and form complete sentences, and when to KNOCK IT OFF...  the US Military is a TEAM, we work well together, and yes, I know the Corps is best, but I also believe EACH Branch is the Best at what they do...  and  I didn't get to watch it on TV to come to that conclusion.

  5. I visited a Marine base in Da Nang; it was pretty comfy compared to Camp Eagle. The troops were Strac, not filthy like us. They took in a few mortar attacks at night but other then that they weren't involved in many operations. On the mess hall was a mural that said "To live  a good life is to die a Marine". I was harassed by a Marine MP because my boots were muddy and my uniform was frayed. I was at their base because I was a courier at the time. I returned to Eagle (on the outskirts of Hue) and stayed there until the troops went home. I was reassigned to the Cav in Bien Hua. I was in country 71-72. The Marines didn't do much of anything at that time; I guess they were there for show; however they do have a great Public Information arm; the Army gets all the work; the Marines get all the glory.

  6. Because marines have the reputation of being more "manly" than the other branches.  And proving your manhood is more important than anything else in American life.  It even takes precedent over believing in the LORD.  That's why it's so easy to manipulate these guys into shipping off to Iraq to steal Iraq's oil, for example.  These guys are very insecure about their manhood, and will do anything they're conned into to prove it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, here it comes.  All the usual rhetoric about serving my country, making the ultimate sacrifice, freedom isn't free.  Yawn.  Intelligent, decent Real Patriots can see clear through that hogwash.

  7. the only differance between a hardcore marine and a Soldier is a good punch in the mouth

  8. I don't like soldiers in general

  9. Frankly, anyone engaging in a pissing contest this petty lacks professionalism and I don't want him watching my six on ANY battlefield.

    I enjoy working with both Army and Marine Corps PROFESSIONALS. Loud mouth braggards out of either service do nothing for me or the mission. They are a hinderance and oftentimes are so full of their own egos they can't accomplish the mission effectively.

    "Quiet Professionals" isn't a motto that only applies to the US Army Special Forces. It should apply across the spectrum of not only SOF but also conventional forces.

    I love nothing better than watching young, motivated infantry Soldiers and Marines lay down fire and shwack the bad guys.

    That's just my 2 cents worth.

  10. I'm a former Marine and I take exception to your post. I don't know one Marine that did not have a great and special pride on graduation day. It was the end of the touhgest chapter of my life.

    Let's keep the charm of the Marine traditions by listing our achievements, which there are many. We do not need to put down the other branches, who all have their own set of accomplishments.

    As good as the Marines are, I doubt we'd be here today if it was not for all branches.

    Semper Fi

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