
Why do people like the Naruto pairing ShikaIno?

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I was wondering this for some time and would like a serious answer, please no 'Just Because' answers... they annoy me.




  1. I believe this would be for the fact that they seem to contrast each other so much yet work well together on a team.

    Ino cares about her appearance, what people think of her, is fun-loving, and energetic while Shikamaru is Lazy, easily bored, perceptive, and laid back.

    And another honest to god reason is that people are always looking for match ups.

    Most likely for Hentai, or love romance fanfics, its sasuXsaku, naruXhina, shikaXino, jiraiyaXtsunade, kakaXanko, etc.

    Another popular pairing is shikaXtemari.

    But I guess its up to the people themselves why they like the pairing! :]  

  2. ew the worst couple ever

    leexsakura is better

  3. No I think the best pair in Naruto is Shikamaru and Temari closely followed by Naruto and Hinmata

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