
Why do people like to block stuff that are different out

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some people like to stay in there on little box's

and stay away from any thing that is different from them

and not ever day like

like psychics




people with gifts

I'm a telekinetic and I'm proud to be one

but there people that say they don't believe in stuff like that

its sad

they cant accept that there is stuff like that out there




  1. because people dont want to face that there is something out there more than meets the physical eye.  And they think that if they dont have these experiences then it must not be true.

    but they follow the bible or any religion blindly without ever having any god experience.... that i dont understand

  2. A demonstration of your power would be all I need.Your boasting is very suspicious.Those that can,do.Those that can't,make excuses why the don't.

  3. because its impossible

  4. People block things that are different out because they lack control when faced with phenomena that are outside of their experience.  For many scientists the first instinct is to disprove the extraordinary and the next is to control is aberration.  Our society needs its normalcy in order to survive and being able to move objects with your mind falls outside that limit.  I would not get worked up about proving your gift to some panel of university professors but rather ask about training in some kind of martial art that can focus your mind and body better and better connect you to people who accept that people are capable of doing more but should use their gifts responsibly as well.

  5. You have telekinesis? Prove it. Tomorrow jump in front of a city bus and see if your ability truly works. Or better yet, astroplane over to Hollywood and push Rosie O'donald in front of an 18 wheeler.

  6. We'd be happy to believe you.  But since everyone else who ever claimed those powers turned out to be wrong, lying, or delusional, you really can't blame us for asking for a little proof.  So please, show a scientist your telekinetic powers.  Since it would prove most of physics wrong, we'd love to see it.  You'd start a revolution in science and no one would ever doubt you again.  Frankly, if you can do what you claim and you don't ever prove it, you're holding back from the human race possibly the biggest discovery ever.  Why hold out on us?  

    EDIT:  If you did it in front of our faces, and we made sure you weren't cheating (strings, magnets, kicking the table) that would be pretty good evidence.  Since it's easy to fool a camera, you'd have to do it in person.  This guy would be happy to give you a million bucks for a quick demo, and they'll test you where you live - no need to travel.  Or stop by your local college physics department, they'd probably be happy to watch.  Really, you have no excuse.

    EDIT:  You don't want fame.  Fine.  They'll publish it without your name, like any other medical case study.  But really, if you want people to accept you have powers no one else has ever had, you can't just expect them to take you on your word.  You have to show someone who can verify it scientifically, or you can stop complaining that no one believes you.

  7. I don't see any "blocking", but just the opposite. Many of those who reject your claims do so because they've spent time as students of the natural world (i.e., scientific investigation) and realize that one should never blindly accept claims with no evidence, and especially when the claim seems very unlikely. This is common sense good advice.

    I think it's an excuse when you say that there's no point in demonstrating your abilities because observers still won't believe. That's too convenient. If you have the ability, then you can demonstrate it in conditions where observers can confirm you're not cheating and that avoid poor experimental controls (e.g., a draft of air moving a psi wheel), and you'd be world famous almost overnight.

    I'd be happy to see a demonstration of your abilities. You might want to contact the physics department of a local university and demonstrate your powers there. Once you do that, the world is yours.

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